# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration # Renames all system notes created when an issuable task is checked/unchecked # from `task` into `checklist item` # `marked the task **Task 1** as incomplete` => `marked the checklist item **Task 1** as incomplete` class RenameTaskSystemNoteToChecklistItem < BatchedMigrationJob REPLACE_REGEX = '\Amarked\sthe\stask' TEXT_REPLACEMENT = 'marked the checklist item' scope_to ->(relation) { relation.where(system_note_metadata: { action: :task }) } operation_name :update_all feature_category :database def perform each_sub_batch do |sub_batch| ApplicationRecord.connection.execute <<~SQL UPDATE notes SET note = REGEXP_REPLACE(notes.note,'#{REPLACE_REGEX}', '#{TEXT_REPLACEMENT}') FROM (#{sub_batch.select(:note_id).to_sql}) AS metadata_fields(note_id) WHERE notes.id = note_id SQL end end end end end