module Gitlab module Cache # See module RequestCache def self.extended(klass) return if klass < self extension = klass.const_set(:RequestCacheExtension, extension) klass.prepend(extension) end attr_accessor :request_cache_key_block def request_cache_key(&block) if block_given? self.request_cache_key_block = block else request_cache_key_block end end def request_cache(method_name, &method_key_block) const_get(:RequestCacheExtension).module_eval do cache_key_method_name = "#{method_name}_cache_key" define_method(method_name) do |*args| store = if else ivar_name = # ! and ? cannot be used as ivar name "@cache_#{'!?', "\u2605\u2606")}" instance_variable_get(ivar_name) || instance_variable_set(ivar_name, {}) end key = __send__(cache_key_method_name, args) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend store.fetch(key) { store[key] = super(*args) } end define_method(cache_key_method_name) do |args| klass = self.class instance_key = instance_exec(&klass.request_cache_key) if klass.request_cache_key method_key = instance_exec(&method_key_block) if method_key_block [, method_name, *instance_key, *method_key, *args] .join(':') end private cache_key_method_name end end end end end