module Gitlab module Checks class ChangeAccess attr_reader :user_access, :project, :skip_authorization, :protocol def initialize( change, user_access:, project:, skip_authorization: false, protocol: ) @oldrev, @newrev, @ref = change.values_at(:oldrev, :newrev, :ref) @branch_name = Gitlab::Git.branch_name(@ref) @tag_name = Gitlab::Git.tag_name(@ref) @user_access = user_access @project = project @skip_authorization = skip_authorization @protocol = protocol end def exec return if skip_authorization error = push_checks || branch_checks || tag_checks if error, error) else end end protected def push_checks if user_access.cannot_do_action?(:push_code) "You are not allowed to push code to this project." end end def branch_checks return unless @branch_name if deletion? && @branch_name == project.default_branch return "The default branch of a project cannot be deleted." end protected_branch_checks end def protected_branch_checks return unless ProtectedBranch.protected?(project, @branch_name) if forced_push? return "You are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch on this project." end if deletion? protected_branch_deletion_checks else protected_branch_push_checks end end def protected_branch_deletion_checks unless user_access.can_delete_branch?(@branch_name) return 'You are not allowed to delete protected branches from this project. Only a project master or owner can delete a protected branch.' end unless protocol == 'web' 'You can only delete protected branches using the web interface.' end end def protected_branch_push_checks if matching_merge_request? unless user_access.can_merge_to_branch?(@branch_name) || user_access.can_push_to_branch?(@branch_name) "You are not allowed to merge code into protected branches on this project." end else unless user_access.can_push_to_branch?(@branch_name) "You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project." end end end def tag_checks return unless @tag_name if tag_exists? && user_access.cannot_do_action?(:admin_project) return "You are not allowed to change existing tags on this project." end protected_tag_checks end def protected_tag_checks return unless ProtectedTag.protected?(project, @tag_name) return "Protected tags cannot be updated." if update? return "Protected tags cannot be deleted." if deletion? unless user_access.can_create_tag?(@tag_name) return "You are not allowed to create this tag as it is protected." end end private def tag_exists? project.repository.tag_exists?(@tag_name) end def forced_push? Gitlab::Checks::ForcePush.force_push?(@project, @oldrev, @newrev) end def update? !Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(@oldrev) && !deletion? end def deletion? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(@newrev) end def matching_merge_request?, @branch_name, @project).match? end end end end