module Gitlab module Ci module Pipeline module Chain class Validate < Chain::Base include Gitlab::Allowable def perform! validate_project! || validate_repository! || validate_pipeline! end def break? @pipeline.errors.any? || @pipeline.persisted? end def allowed_to_trigger_pipeline? if current_user allowed_to_create? else # legacy triggers don't have a corresponding user !project.protected_for?(@pipeline.ref) end end def allowed_to_create? return unless can?(current_user, :create_pipeline, project) access =, project: project) if branch? access.can_update_branch?(@pipeline.ref) elsif tag? access.can_create_tag?(@pipeline.ref) else true # Allow it for now and we'll reject when we check ref existence end end private def validate_project! unless project.builds_enabled? return error('Pipeline is disabled') end unless allowed_to_trigger_pipeline? if can?(current_user, :create_pipeline, project) return error("Insufficient permissions for protected ref '#{pipeline.ref}'") else return error('Insufficient permissions to create a new pipeline') end end end def validate_repository! unless branch? || tag? return error('Reference not found') end unless pipeline.sha return error('Commit not found') end end def validate_pipeline! unless @pipeline.config_processor unless @pipeline.ci_yaml_file return error("Missing #{@pipeline.ci_yaml_file_path} file") end if @command.save_incompleted && @pipeline.has_yaml_errors? @pipeline.drop end return error(@pipeline.yaml_errors) end unless @pipeline.has_stage_seeds? return error('No stages / jobs for this pipeline.') end end ## TODO, move to Pipeline as `branch_exists?` # def branch? return @is_branch if defined?(@is_branch) @is_branch = project.repository .ref_exists?(Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.ref) end ## TODO, move to pipeline as `tag_exists?` # def tag? return @is_tag if defined?(@is_tag) @is_tag = project.repository .ref_exists?(Gitlab::Git::TAG_REF_PREFIX + pipeline.ref) end def error(message) pipeline.errors.add(:base, message) end end end end end end