# This template is provided and maintained by Katalon, an official Technology Partner with GitLab. # # Use this template to run a Katalon Studio test from this repository. # You can: # - Copy and paste this template into a new `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. # - Add this template to an existing `.gitlab-ci.yml` file by using the `include:` keyword. # # In either case, you must also select which job you want to run, `.katalon_tests` # or `.katalon_tests_with_artifacts` (see configuration below), and add that configuration # to a new job with `extends:`. For example: # # Katalon-tests: # extends: # - .katalon_tests_with_artifacts # # Requirements: # - A Katalon Studio project with the content saved in the root GitLab repository folder. # - An active KRE license. # - A valid Katalon API key. # # CI/CD variables, set in the project CI/CD settings: # - KATALON_TEST_SUITE_PATH: The default path is `Test Suites/`. # Defines which test suite to run. # - KATALON_API_KEY: The Katalon API key. # - KATALON_PROJECT_DIR: Optional. Add if the project is in another location. # - KATALON_ORG_ID: Optional. Add if you are part of multiple Katalon orgs. # Set to the Org ID that has KRE licenses assigned. For more info on the Org ID, # see https://support.katalon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4724459179545-How-to-get-Organization-ID- .katalon_tests: # Use the latest version of the Katalon Runtime Engine. You can also use other versions of the # Katalon Runtime Engine by specifying another tag, for example `katalonstudio/katalon:8.1.2` # or `katalonstudio/katalon:8.3.0`. image: 'katalonstudio/katalon' services: - docker:dind variables: # Specify the Katalon Studio project directory. By default, it is stored under the root project folder. KATALON_PROJECT_DIR: $CI_PROJECT_DIR # The following bash script has two different versions, one if you set the KATALON_ORG_ID # CI/CD variable, and the other if you did not set it. If you have more than one org in # admin.katalon.com you must set the KATALON_ORG_ID variable with an ORG ID or # the Katalon Test Suite fails to run. # # You can update or add additional `katalonc` commands below. To see all of the arguments # `katalonc` supports, go to https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/docs/console-mode-execution.html script: - |- if [[ $KATALON_ORG_ID == "" ]]; then katalonc.sh -projectPath=$KATALON_PROJECT_DIR -apiKey=$KATALON_API_KEY -browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=20 -testSuitePath="$KATALON_TEST_SUITE_PATH" -reportFolder=Reports/ else katalonc.sh -projectPath=$KATALON_PROJECT_DIR -apiKey=$KATALON_API_KEY -browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=20 -orgID=$KATALON_ORG_ID -testSuitePath="$KATALON_TEST_SUITE_PATH" -reportFolder=Reports/ fi # Upload the artifacts and make the junit report accessible under the Pipeline Tests .katalon_tests_with_artifacts: extends: .katalon_tests artifacts: when: always paths: - Reports/ reports: junit: Reports/*/*/*/*.xml