# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module CurrentSettings class << self def current_application_settings Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.fetch(:current_application_settings) { ensure_application_settings! } end def clear_in_memory_application_settings! @in_memory_application_settings = nil end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) current_application_settings.send(name, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) current_application_settings.respond_to?(name, include_private) || super end private def ensure_application_settings! cached_application_settings || uncached_application_settings end def cached_application_settings return in_memory_application_settings if ENV['IN_MEMORY_APPLICATION_SETTINGS'] == 'true' begin ::ApplicationSetting.cached rescue # In case Redis isn't running # or the Redis UNIX socket file is not available # or the DB is not running (we use migrations in the cache key) end end def uncached_application_settings return fake_application_settings unless connect_to_db? current_settings = ::ApplicationSetting.current # If there are pending migrations, it's possible there are columns that # need to be added to the application settings. To prevent Rake tasks # and other callers from failing, use any loaded settings and return # defaults for missing columns. if ActiveRecord::Migrator.needs_migration? db_attributes = current_settings&.attributes || {} ::ApplicationSetting.build_from_defaults(db_attributes) elsif current_settings.present? current_settings else ::ApplicationSetting.create_from_defaults || in_memory_application_settings end end def fake_application_settings(attributes = {}) Gitlab::FakeApplicationSettings.new(::ApplicationSetting.defaults.merge(attributes || {})) end def in_memory_application_settings @in_memory_application_settings ||= ::ApplicationSetting.build_from_defaults end def connect_to_db? # When the DBMS is not available, an exception (e.g. PG::ConnectionBad) is raised active_db_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.active? rescue false active_db_connection && Gitlab::Database.cached_table_exists?('application_settings') rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError false end end end end