# frozen_string_literal: true require 'net/http' require 'json' require_relative 'teammate' module Gitlab module Danger module Helper ROULETTE_DATA_URL = URI.parse('https://about.gitlab.com/roulette.json').freeze # Returns a list of all files that have been added, modified or renamed. # `git.modified_files` might contain paths that already have been renamed, # so we need to remove them from the list. # # Considering these changes: # # - A new_file.rb # - D deleted_file.rb # - M modified_file.rb # - R renamed_file_before.rb -> renamed_file_after.rb # # it will return # ``` # [ 'new_file.rb', 'modified_file.rb', 'renamed_file_after.rb' ] # ``` # # @return [Array] def all_changed_files Set.new .merge(git.added_files.to_a) .merge(git.modified_files.to_a) .merge(git.renamed_files.map { |x| x[:after] }) .subtract(git.renamed_files.map { |x| x[:before] }) .to_a .sort end def ee? ENV['CI_PROJECT_NAME'] == 'gitlab-ee' || File.exist?('../../CHANGELOG-EE.md') end def project_name ee? ? 'gitlab-ee' : 'gitlab-ce' end # Looks up the current list of GitLab team members and parses it into a # useful form # # @return [Array] def team @team ||= begin rsp = Net::HTTP.get_response(ROULETTE_DATA_URL) raise "Failed to read #{ROULETTE_DATA_URL}: #{rsp.code} #{rsp.message}" unless rsp.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) data = JSON.parse(rsp.body) data.map { |hash| ::Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new(hash) } rescue JSON::ParserError raise "Failed to parse JSON response from #{ROULETTE_DATA_URL}" end end # Like +team+, but only returns teammates in the current project, based on # project_name. # # @return [Array] def project_team team.select { |member| member.in_project?(project_name) } end # @return [Hash>] def changes_by_category all_changed_files.each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }) do |file, hash| hash[category_for_file(file)] << file end end # Determines the category a file is in, e.g., `:frontend` or `:backend` # @return[Symbol] def category_for_file(file) _, category = CATEGORIES.find { |regexp, _| regexp.match?(file) } category || :unknown end # Returns the GFM for a category label, making its best guess if it's not # a category we know about. # # @return[String] def label_for_category(category) CATEGORY_LABELS.fetch(category, "~#{category}") end CATEGORY_LABELS = { docs: "~Documentation", none: "", qa: "~QA" }.freeze # rubocop:disable Style/RegexpLiteral CATEGORIES = { %r{\Adoc/} => :docs, %r{\A(CONTRIBUTING|LICENSE|MAINTENANCE|PHILOSOPHY|PROCESS|README)(\.md)?\z} => :docs, %r{\A(ee/)?app/(assets|views)/} => :frontend, %r{\A(ee/)?public/} => :frontend, %r{\A(ee/)?spec/javascripts/} => :frontend, %r{\A(ee/)?vendor/assets/} => :frontend, %r{\A(jest\.config\.js|package\.json|yarn\.lock)\z} => :frontend, %r{\A(ee/)?app/(?!assets|views)[^/]+} => :backend, %r{\A(ee/)?(bin|config|danger|generator_templates|lib|rubocop|scripts)/} => :backend, %r{\A(ee/)?spec/(?!javascripts)[^/]+} => :backend, %r{\A(ee/)?vendor/(?!assets)[^/]+} => :backend, %r{\A(ee/)?vendor/(languages\.yml|licenses\.csv)\z} => :backend, %r{\A(Dangerfile|Gemfile|Gemfile.lock|Procfile|Rakefile|\.gitlab-ci\.yml)\z} => :backend, %r{\A[A-Z_]+_VERSION\z} => :backend, %r{\A(ee/)?db/} => :database, %r{\A(ee/)?qa/} => :qa, # Files that don't fit into any category are marked with :none %r{\A(ee/)?changelogs/} => :none, # Fallbacks in case the above patterns miss anything %r{\.rb\z} => :backend, %r{\.(md|txt)\z} => :docs, %r{\.js\z} => :frontend }.freeze # rubocop:enable Style/RegexpLiteral end end end