module Gitlab module Database # The max value of INTEGER type is the same between MySQL and PostgreSQL: # # MAX_INT_VALUE = 2147483647 def self.adapter_name connection.adapter_name end def self.mysql? adapter_name.casecmp('mysql2').zero? end def self.postgresql? adapter_name.casecmp('postgresql').zero? end def self.version database_version.match(/\A(?:PostgreSQL |)([^\s]+).*\z/)[1] end def self.nulls_last_order(field, direction = 'ASC') order = "#{field} #{direction}" if Gitlab::Database.postgresql? order << ' NULLS LAST' else # `field IS NULL` will be `0` for non-NULL columns and `1` for NULL # columns. In the (default) ascending order, `0` comes first. order.prepend("#{field} IS NULL, ") if direction == 'ASC' end order end def self.serialized_transaction opts = {} opts[:isolation] = :serializable unless Rails.env.test? && connection.transaction_open? connection.transaction(opts) { yield } end def self.random Gitlab::Database.postgresql? ? "RANDOM()" : "RAND()" end def true_value if Gitlab::Database.postgresql? "'t'" else 1 end end def false_value if Gitlab::Database.postgresql? "'f'" else 0 end end def self.connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection end private_class_method :connection def self.database_version row = connection.execute("SELECT VERSION()").first if postgresql? row['version'] else row.first end end private_class_method :database_version end end