# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Email module Message module InProductMarketing class Create < Base def subject_line [ s_('InProductMarketing|Create a project in GitLab in 5 minutes'), s_('InProductMarketing|Import your project and code from GitHub, Bitbucket and others'), s_('InProductMarketing|Understand repository mirroring') ][series] end def tagline [ s_('InProductMarketing|Get started today'), s_('InProductMarketing|Get our import guides'), s_('InProductMarketing|Need an alternative to importing?') ][series] end def title [ s_('InProductMarketing|Take your first steps with GitLab'), s_('InProductMarketing|Start by importing your projects'), s_('InProductMarketing|How (and why) mirroring makes sense') ][series] end def subtitle [ s_('InProductMarketing|Dig in and create a project and a repo'), s_("InProductMarketing|Here's what you need to know"), s_('InProductMarketing|Try it out') ][series] end def body_line1 [ s_("InProductMarketing|To understand and get the most out of GitLab, start at the beginning and %{project_link}. In GitLab, repositories are part of a project, so after you've created your project you can go ahead and %{repo_link}.") % { project_link: project_link, repo_link: repo_link }, s_("InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}.") % { github_link: github_link, bitbucket_link: bitbucket_link }, s_("InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool.") % { mirroring_link: mirroring_link } ][series] end def body_line2 [ s_("InProductMarketing|That's all it takes to get going with GitLab, but if you're new to working with Git, check out our %{basics_link} for helpful tips and tricks for getting started.") % { basics_link: basics_link }, s_("InProductMarketing|Have a different instance you'd like to import? Here's our %{import_link}.") % { import_link: import_link }, s_("InProductMarketing|It's also possible to simply %{external_repo_link} in order to take advantage of GitLab's CI/CD.") % { external_repo_link: external_repo_link } ][series] end def cta_text [ s_('InProductMarketing|Create your first project!'), s_('InProductMarketing|Master the art of importing!'), s_('InProductMarketing|Understand your project options') ][series] end private def project_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|create a project'), help_page_url('gitlab-basics/create-project')) end def repo_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|set up a repo'), help_page_url('user/project/repository/index', anchor: 'create-a-repository')) end def github_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|GitHub Enterprise projects to GitLab'), help_page_url('integration/github')) end def bitbucket_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|from Bitbucket'), help_page_url('user/project/import/bitbucket_server')) end def mirroring_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|repository mirroring'), help_page_url('user/project/repository/repository_mirroring')) end def basics_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|Git basics'), help_page_url('gitlab-basics/index')) end def import_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|comprehensive guide'), help_page_url('user/project/import/index')) end def external_repo_link link(s_('InProductMarketing|connect an external repository'), new_project_url(anchor: 'cicd_for_external_repo')) end end end end end end