# Gitaly note: JV: no RPC's here. require 'open3' module Gitlab module Git module Popen FAST_GIT_PROCESS_TIMEOUT = 15.seconds def popen(cmd, path, vars = {}, lazy_block: nil) unless cmd.is_a?(Array) raise "System commands must be given as an array of strings" end path ||= Dir.pwd vars['PWD'] = path options = { chdir: path } cmd_output = "" cmd_status = 0 Open3.popen3(vars, *cmd, options) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| stdout.set_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) # stderr and stdout pipes can block if stderr/stdout aren't drained: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9082 # Mimic what Ruby does with capture3: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/1ec544695fa02d714180ef9c34e755027b6a2103/lib/open3.rb#L257-L273 err_reader = Thread.new { stderr.read } yield(stdin) if block_given? stdin.close if lazy_block cmd_output = lazy_block.call(stdout.lazy) cmd_status = 0 break else cmd_output << stdout.read end cmd_output << err_reader.value cmd_status = wait_thr.value.exitstatus end [cmd_output, cmd_status] end def popen_with_timeout(cmd, timeout, path, vars = {}) unless cmd.is_a?(Array) raise "System commands must be given as an array of strings" end path ||= Dir.pwd vars['PWD'] = path unless File.directory?(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) end rout, wout = IO.pipe rerr, werr = IO.pipe pid = Process.spawn(vars, *cmd, out: wout, err: werr, chdir: path, pgroup: true) # stderr and stdout pipes can block if stderr/stdout aren't drained: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/9082 # Mimic what Ruby does with capture3: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/1ec544695fa02d714180ef9c34e755027b6a2103/lib/open3.rb#L257-L273 out_reader = Thread.new { rout.read } err_reader = Thread.new { rerr.read } begin # close write ends so we could read them wout.close werr.close status = process_wait_with_timeout(pid, timeout) cmd_output = out_reader.value cmd_output << err_reader.value # Copying the behaviour of `popen` which merges stderr into output [cmd_output, status.exitstatus] rescue Timeout::Error => e kill_process_group_for_pid(pid) raise e ensure wout.close unless wout.closed? werr.close unless werr.closed? rout.close rerr.close end end def process_wait_with_timeout(pid, timeout) deadline = timeout.seconds.from_now wait_time = 0.01 while deadline > Time.now sleep(wait_time) _, status = Process.wait2(pid, Process::WNOHANG) return status unless status.nil? end raise Timeout::Error, "Timeout waiting for process ##{pid}" end def kill_process_group_for_pid(pid) Process.kill("KILL", -pid) Process.wait(pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH end end end end