# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class ProjectTemplate attr_reader :title, :name, :description, :preview def initialize(name, title, description, preview) @name, @title, @description, @preview = name, title, description, preview end alias_method :logo, :name def file archive_path.open end def archive_path Rails.root.join("vendor/project_templates/#{name}.tar.gz") end def clone_url "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/project-templates/#{name}.git" end def ==(other) name == other.name && title == other.title end TEMPLATES_TABLE = [ ProjectTemplate.new('rails', 'Ruby on Rails', 'Includes an MVC structure, Gemfile, Rakefile, along with many others, to help you get started.', 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/project-templates/rails'), ProjectTemplate.new('spring', 'Spring', 'Includes an MVC structure, mvnw and pom.xml to help you get started.', 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/project-templates/spring'), ProjectTemplate.new('express', 'NodeJS Express', 'Includes an MVC structure to help you get started.', 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/project-templates/express') ].freeze class << self def all TEMPLATES_TABLE end def find(name) all.find { |template| template.name == name.to_s } end def archive_directory Rails.root.join("vendor_directory/project_templates") end end end end