# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab # Extract possible GFM references from an arbitrary String for further processing. class ReferenceExtractor < Banzai::ReferenceExtractor REFERABLES = %i(user issue label milestone mentioned_user mentioned_group mentioned_project merge_request snippet commit commit_range directly_addressed_user epic iteration vulnerability).freeze attr_accessor :project, :current_user, :author # This counter is increased by a number of references filtered out by # banzai reference exctractor. Note that this counter is stateful and # not idempotent and is increased whenever you call `references`. attr_reader :stateful_not_visible_counter def initialize(project, current_user = nil) @project = project @current_user = current_user @references = {} @stateful_not_visible_counter = 0 super() end def analyze(text, context = {}) super(text, context.merge(project: project)) end def references(type, ids_only: false) refs = super(type, project, current_user, ids_only: ids_only) @stateful_not_visible_counter += refs[:not_visible].count refs[:visible] end def reset_memoized_values @references = {} @stateful_not_visible_counter = 0 super() end REFERABLES.each do |type| define_method(type.to_s.pluralize) do @references[type] ||= references(type) end if %w(mentioned_user mentioned_group mentioned_project).include?(type.to_s) define_method("#{type}_ids") do @references[type] ||= references(type, ids_only: true) end end end def issues if project&.external_references_supported? if project.issues_enabled? @references[:all_issues] ||= references(:external_issue) + references(:issue) else @references[:external_issue] ||= references(:external_issue) + references(:issue).select { |i| i.project_id != project.id } end else @references[:issue] ||= references(:issue) end end def all REFERABLES.each { |referable| send(referable.to_s.pluralize) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend @references.values.flatten end def self.references_pattern return @pattern if @pattern patterns = REFERABLES.map do |type| Banzai::ReferenceParser[type].reference_type.to_s.classify.constantize.try(:reference_pattern) end.uniq @pattern = Regexp.union(patterns.compact) end end end