# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class SSHPublicKey Technology = Struct.new(:name, :key_class, :supported_sizes) Technologies = [ Technology.new(:rsa, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA, [1024, 2048, 3072, 4096]), Technology.new(:dsa, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA, [1024, 2048, 3072]), Technology.new(:ecdsa, OpenSSL::PKey::EC, [256, 384, 521]), Technology.new(:ed25519, Net::SSH::Authentication::ED25519::PubKey, [256]) ].freeze def self.technology(name) Technologies.find { |tech| tech.name.to_s == name.to_s } end def self.technology_for_key(key) Technologies.find { |tech| key.is_a?(tech.key_class) } end def self.supported_sizes(name) technology(name)&.supported_sizes end def self.sanitize(key_content) ssh_type, *parts = key_content.strip.split return key_content if parts.empty? parts.each_with_object(+"#{ssh_type} ").with_index do |(part, content), index| content << part if Gitlab::SSHPublicKey.new(content).valid? break [content, parts[index + 1]].compact.join(' ') # Add the comment part if present elsif parts.size == index + 1 # return original content if we've reached the last element break key_content end end end attr_reader :key_text, :key # Unqualified MD5 fingerprint for compatibility delegate :fingerprint, to: :key, allow_nil: true def initialize(key_text) @key_text = key_text @key = begin Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_public_key(key_text) rescue StandardError, NotImplementedError end end def valid? SSHKey.valid_ssh_public_key?(key_text) end def type technology.name if key.present? end def bits return if key.blank? case type when :rsa key.n&.num_bits when :dsa key.p&.num_bits when :ecdsa key.group.order&.num_bits when :ed25519 256 else raise "Unsupported key type: #{type}" end end private def technology @technology ||= self.class.technology_for_key(key) || raise("Unsupported key type: #{key.class}") end end end