require 'base64' require 'json' module Gitlab class Workhorse SEND_DATA_HEADER = 'Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data' class << self def git_http_ok(repository, user) { 'GL_ID' => Gitlab::GlId.gl_id(user), 'RepoPath' => repository.path_to_repo, } end def send_git_blob(repository, blob) params = { 'RepoPath' => repository.path_to_repo, 'BlobId' =>, } [ SEND_DATA_HEADER, "git-blob:#{encode(params)}" ] end def send_git_archive(repository, ref:, format:) format ||= 'tar.gz' format.downcase! params = repository.archive_metadata(ref, Gitlab.config.gitlab.repository_downloads_path, format) raise "Repository or ref not found" if params.empty? [ SEND_DATA_HEADER, "git-archive:#{encode(params)}" ] end def send_git_diff(repository, diff_refs) from, to = diff_refs params = { 'RepoPath' => repository.path_to_repo, 'ShaFrom' => from.sha, 'ShaTo' => to.sha } [ SEND_DATA_HEADER, "git-diff:#{encode(params)}" ] end def send_git_patch(repository, from, to) params = { 'RepoPath' => repository.path_to_repo, 'ShaFrom' => from, 'ShaTo' => to } [ SEND_DATA_HEADER, "git-format-patch:#{encode(params)}" ] end protected def encode(hash) Base64.urlsafe_encode64(JSON.dump(hash)) end end end end