# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :gitlab do desc 'GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab and its environment' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::GitlabTask.run! end namespace :app do desc 'GitLab | App | Check the configuration of the GitLab Rails app' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::AppTask.run! end end namespace :gitlab_shell do desc 'GitLab | GitLab Shell | Check the configuration of GitLab Shell' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::GitlabShellTask.run! end end namespace :gitaly do desc 'GitLab | Gitaly | Check the health of Gitaly' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::GitalyTask.run! end end namespace :sidekiq do desc 'GitLab | Sidekiq | Check the configuration of Sidekiq' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::SidekiqTask.run! end end namespace :incoming_email do desc 'GitLab | Incoming Email | Check the configuration of Reply by email' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::IncomingEmailTask.run! end end namespace :ldap do task :check, [:limit] => :gitlab_environment do |_, args| ENV['LDAP_CHECK_LIMIT'] = args.limit if args.limit.present? SystemCheck::RakeTask::LdapTask.run! end end namespace :orphans do desc 'Gitlab | Orphans | Check for orphaned namespaces and repositories' task check: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::OrphansTask.run! end desc 'GitLab | Orphans | Check for orphaned namespaces in the repositories path' task check_namespaces: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::Orphans::NamespaceTask.run! end desc 'GitLab | Orphans | Check for orphaned repositories in the repositories path' task check_repositories: :gitlab_environment do SystemCheck::RakeTask::Orphans::RepositoryTask.run! end end end