# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord (This module is generating ActiveRecord relations therefore using AR methods is necessary) module UnnestedInFilters class Rewriter include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize class ValueTable def initialize(model, attribute, values) @model = model @attribute = attribute.to_s @values = values end def to_sql "unnest(#{serialized_values}::#{sql_type}[]) AS #{table_name}(#{column_name})" end def as_predicate "#{model.table_name}.#{column_name} = #{table_name}.#{column_name}" end private attr_reader :model, :attribute, :values delegate :connection, :columns, :attribute_types, to: :model, private: true delegate :quote, :quote_table_name, :quote_column_name, :visitor, to: :connection def table_name quote_table_name(attribute.pluralize) end def column_name quote_column_name(attribute) end def serialized_values values.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SelectStatement) ? "ARRAY(#{serialized_arel_value})" : serialized_array_values end def serialized_arel_value visitor.compile(values, unprepared_statement_collector) end def serialized_array_values values.map(&:value) .then { array_type.serialize(_1) } .then { |array| quote(array) } end def array_type ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Array.new(attribute_types[attribute]) end def sql_type column.sql_type_metadata.sql_type end def column columns.find { _1.name == attribute } end def unprepared_statement_collector Arel::Collectors::SubstituteBinds.new( connection, Arel::Collectors::SQLString.new ) end end def initialize(relation) @relation = relation end # Rewrites the given ActiveRecord::Relation object to # utilize the DB indices efficiently. # # Example usage; # # relation = Vulnerabilities::Read.where(state: [1, 4]) # relation = relation.order(severity: :desc, vulnerability_id: :desc) # # rewriter = UnnestedInFilters::Rewriter.new(relation) # optimized_relation = rewriter.rewrite # # In the above example. the `relation` object would produce the following SQL query; # # SELECT # "vulnerability_reads".* # FROM # "vulnerability_reads" # WHERE # "vulnerability_reads"."state" IN (1, 4) # ORDER BY # "vulnerability_reads"."severity" DESC, # "vulnerability_reads"."vulnerability_id" DESC # LIMIT 20; # # And the `optimized_relation` object would would produce the following query to # utilize the index on (state, severity, vulnerability_id); # # SELECT # "vulnerability_reads".* # FROM # unnest('{1, 4}'::smallint[]) AS "states" ("state"), # LATERAL ( # SELECT # "vulnerability_reads".* # FROM # "vulnerability_reads" # WHERE # (vulnerability_reads."state" = "states"."state") # ORDER BY # "vulnerability_reads"."severity" DESC, # "vulnerability_reads"."vulnerability_id" DESC # LIMIT 20) AS vulnerability_reads # ORDER BY # "vulnerability_reads"."severity" DESC, # "vulnerability_reads"."vulnerability_id" DESC # LIMIT 20 # def rewrite log_rewrite model.from(from) .limit(limit_value) .order(order_values) .includes(relation.includes_values) .preload(relation.preload_values) .eager_load(relation.eager_load_values) end def rewrite? strong_memoize(:rewrite) do in_filters.present? && has_index_coverage? end end private attr_reader :relation delegate :model, :order_values, :limit_value, :where_values_hash, :where_clause, to: :relation, private: true def log_rewrite ::Gitlab::AppLogger.info(message: 'Query is being rewritten by `UnnestedInFilters`', model: model.name) end def from [value_tables.map(&:to_sql) + [lateral]].join(', ') end def lateral "LATERAL (#{join_relation.to_sql}) AS #{model.table_name}" end def join_relation value_tables.reduce(unscoped_relation) do |memo, tmp_table| memo.where(tmp_table.as_predicate) end end def unscoped_relation relation.unscope(where: in_filters.keys) end def in_filters @in_filters ||= arel_in_nodes.each_with_object({}) { |node, memo| memo[node.left.name] = node.right } end def arel_in_nodes where_clause_arel_nodes.select(&method(:in_predicate?)) end # `ActiveRecord::WhereClause#ast` is returning a single node when there is only one # predicate but returning an `Arel::Nodes::And` node if there are more than one predicates. # This is why we are checking the returned object responds to `children` or not. def where_clause_arel_nodes return [where_clause_ast] unless where_clause_ast.respond_to?(:children) where_clause_ast.children end def where_clause_ast @where_clause_ast ||= where_clause.ast end def in_predicate?(arel_node) arel_node.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::HomogeneousIn) || arel_node.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::In) end def has_index_coverage? indices.any? do |index| (filter_attributes - Array(index.columns)).empty? && # all the filter attributes are indexed index.columns.last(order_attributes.length) == order_attributes && # index can be used in sorting (index.columns - (filter_attributes + order_attributes)).empty? # there is no other columns in the index end end def filter_attributes @filter_attributes ||= where_values_hash.keys end def order_attributes @order_attributes ||= order_values.flat_map(&method(:extract_column_name)) end def extract_column_name(order_value) case order_value when Arel::Nodes::Ordering order_value.expr.name when ::Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Order order_value.attribute_names end end def indices model.connection.schema_cache.indexes(model.table_name) end def value_tables @value_tables ||= in_filters.map do |attribute, values| ValueTable.new(model, attribute, values) end end end end