# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Page module Main module Welcome # @note Defined as +button :get_started_button+ # Clicks +get_started_button+ def get_started_button # This is a stub, used for indexing. The method is dynamically generated. end # @example # Gitlab::Page::Main::Welcome.perform do |welcome| # expect(welcome.get_started_button_element).to exist # end # @return [Watir::Button] The raw +Button+ element def get_started_button_element # This is a stub, used for indexing. The method is dynamically generated. end # @example # Gitlab::Page::Main::Welcome.perform do |welcome| # expect(welcome).to be_get_started_button # end # @return [Boolean] true if the +get_started_button+ element is present on the page def get_started_button? # This is a stub, used for indexing. The method is dynamically generated. end end end end end