# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cgi' require 'uri' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'securerandom' module QA module Git class Repository include Scenario::Actable include Support::Repeater include Support::Run attr_writer :use_lfs, :gpg_key_id attr_accessor :env_vars InvalidCredentialsError = Class.new(RuntimeError) def initialize # We set HOME to the current working directory (which is a # temporary directory created in .perform()) so the temporarily dropped # .netrc can be utilised self.env_vars = [%Q{HOME="#{tmp_home_dir}"}] @use_lfs = false @gpg_key_id = nil end def self.perform(*args) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) { super } end end def password=(password) @password = password raise InvalidCredentialsError, "Please provide a username when setting a password" unless username try_add_credentials_to_netrc end def uri=(address) @uri = URI(address) end def username=(username) @username = username # Only include the user in the URI if we're using HTTP as this breaks # SSH authentication. @uri.user = username unless ssh_key_set? end def use_default_credentials self.username, self.password = default_credentials end def use_default_identity configure_identity('GitLab QA', 'root@gitlab.com') end def clone(opts = '') clone_result = run_git("git clone #{opts} #{uri} ./", max_attempts: 3) return clone_result.response unless clone_result.success? enable_lfs_result = enable_lfs if use_lfs? clone_result.to_s + enable_lfs_result.to_s end def checkout(branch_name, new_branch: false) opts = new_branch ? '-b' : '' run_git(%Q{git checkout #{opts} "#{branch_name}"}).to_s end def shallow_clone clone('--depth 1') end def configure_identity(name, email) run_git(%Q{git config user.name "#{name}"}) run_git(%Q{git config user.email #{email}}) end def commit_file(name, contents, message) add_file(name, contents) commit(message) end def add_file(name, contents) FileUtils.mkdir_p(::File.dirname(name)) ::File.write(name, contents) if use_lfs? git_lfs_track_result = run_git(%Q{git lfs track #{name} --lockable}) return git_lfs_track_result.response unless git_lfs_track_result.success? end git_add_result = run_git(%Q{git add #{name}}) git_lfs_track_result.to_s + git_add_result.to_s end def add_tag(tag_name) run_git("git tag #{tag_name}").to_s end def delete_tag(tag_name) run_git(%Q{git push origin --delete #{tag_name}}, max_attempts: 3).to_s end def commit(message) run_git(%Q{git commit -m "#{message}"}, max_attempts: 3).to_s end def commit_with_gpg(message) run_git(%Q{git config user.signingkey #{@gpg_key_id} && git config gpg.program $(command -v gpg) && git commit -S -m "#{message}"}).to_s end def current_branch run_git("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").to_s end def push_changes(branch = 'master', push_options: nil) cmd = ['git push'] cmd << push_options_hash_to_string(push_options) cmd << uri cmd << branch run_git(cmd.compact.join(' '), max_attempts: 3).to_s end def push_all_branches run_git("git push --all").to_s end def push_tags_and_branches(branches) run_git("git push --tags origin #{branches.join(' ')}").to_s end def merge(branch) run_git("git merge #{branch}") end def init_repository run_git("git init") end def pull(repository = nil, branch = nil) run_git(['git', 'pull', repository, branch].compact.join(' ')) end def commits run_git('git log --oneline').to_s.split("\n") end def use_ssh_key(key) @ssh = Support::SSH.perform do |ssh| ssh.key = key ssh.uri = uri ssh.setup(env: self.env_vars) ssh end self.env_vars << %Q{GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i #{ssh.private_key_file.path} -o UserKnownHostsFile=#{ssh.known_hosts_file.path}"} end def delete_ssh_key return unless ssh_key_set? ssh.delete end def push_with_git_protocol(version, file_name, file_content, commit_message = 'Initial commit') self.git_protocol = version add_file(file_name, file_content) commit(commit_message) push_changes fetch_supported_git_protocol end def git_protocol=(value) raise ArgumentError, "Please specify the protocol you would like to use: 0, 1, or 2" unless %w[0 1 2].include?(value.to_s) run_git("git config protocol.version #{value}") end def fetch_supported_git_protocol # ls-remote is one command known to respond to Git protocol v2 so we use # it to get output including the version reported via Git tracing result = run_git("git ls-remote #{uri}", max_attempts: 3, env: [*self.env_vars, "GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1"]) result.response[/git< version (\d+)/, 1] || 'unknown' end def try_add_credentials_to_netrc return unless add_credentials? return if netrc_already_contains_content? save_netrc_content end def file_content(file) run("cat #{file}").to_s end def delete_netrc File.delete(netrc_file_path) if File.exist?(netrc_file_path) end private attr_reader :uri, :username, :password, :ssh, :use_lfs alias_method :use_lfs?, :use_lfs def add_credentials? return false if !username || !password return true unless ssh_key_set? false end def ssh_key_set? ssh && !ssh.private_key_file.nil? end def enable_lfs # git lfs install *needs* a .gitconfig defined at ${HOME}/.gitconfig FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_home_dir) touch_gitconfig_result = run("touch #{tmp_home_dir}/.gitconfig") return touch_gitconfig_result.response unless touch_gitconfig_result.success? git_lfs_install_result = run_git('git lfs install') touch_gitconfig_result.to_s + git_lfs_install_result.to_s end def default_credentials if ::QA::Runtime::User.ldap_user? [Runtime::User.ldap_username, Runtime::User.ldap_password] else [Runtime::User.username, Runtime::User.password] end end def read_netrc_content File.exist?(netrc_file_path) ? File.readlines(netrc_file_path) : [] end def save_netrc_content # Despite libcurl supporting a custom .netrc location through the # CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE environment variable, git does not support it :( # Info: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE.html # # This will create a .netrc in the correct working directory, which is # a temporary directory created in .perform() # FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_home_dir) File.open(netrc_file_path, 'a') { |file| file.puts(netrc_content) } File.chmod(0600, netrc_file_path) end def tmp_home_dir @tmp_home_dir ||= File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "qa-netrc-credentials", $$.to_s) end def push_options_hash_to_string(opts) return if opts.nil? prefix = "-o merge_request" opts.each_with_object([]) do |(key, value), options| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |item| options << "#{prefix}.#{key}=\"#{item}\"" end elsif value == true options << "#{prefix}.#{key}" else options << "#{prefix}.#{key}=\"#{value}\"" end end.join(' ') end def netrc_file_path @netrc_file_path ||= File.join(tmp_home_dir, '.netrc') end def netrc_content "machine #{uri.host} login #{username} password #{password}" end def netrc_already_contains_content? read_netrc_content.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape(netrc_content)}$/).any? end def run_git(command_str, env: self.env_vars, max_attempts: 1) run(command_str, env: env, max_attempts: max_attempts, log_prefix: 'Git: ') end end end end