# frozen_string_literal: true require 'capybara/dsl' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' module QA module Resource class Base include ApiFabricator extend Capybara::DSL using Rainbow NoValueError = Class.new(RuntimeError) attr_reader :retrieved_from_cache class << self # Initialize new instance of class without fabrication # # @param [Proc] prepare_block def init(&prepare_block) new.tap(&prepare_block) end def fabricate_via_api_unless_fips! if Runtime::Env.personal_access_tokens_disabled? fabricate! else fabricate_via_api! end end def fabricate!(*args, &prepare_block) if Runtime::Env.personal_access_tokens_disabled? fabricate_via_browser_ui!(*args, &prepare_block) else fabricate_via_api!(*args, &prepare_block) end rescue NotImplementedError fabricate_via_browser_ui!(*args, &prepare_block) end def fabricate_via_browser_ui!(*args, &prepare_block) options = args.extract_options! resource = options.fetch(:resource) { new } parents = options.fetch(:parents) { [] } do_fabricate!(resource: resource, prepare_block: prepare_block, parents: parents) do log_and_record_fabrication(:browser_ui, resource, parents, args) { resource.fabricate!(*args) } current_url end end def fabricate_via_api!(*args, &prepare_block) options = args.extract_options! resource = options.fetch(:resource) { new } parents = options.fetch(:parents) { [] } raise NotImplementedError unless resource.api_support? resource.eager_load_api_client! do_fabricate!(resource: resource, prepare_block: prepare_block, parents: parents) do log_and_record_fabrication(:api, resource, parents, args) { resource.fabricate_via_api! } end end def remove_via_api!(*args, &prepare_block) options = args.extract_options! resource = options.fetch(:resource) { new } parents = options.fetch(:parents) { [] } resource.eager_load_api_client! do_fabricate!(resource: resource, prepare_block: prepare_block, parents: parents) do log_and_record_fabrication(:api, resource, parents, args) { resource.remove_via_api! } end end private def do_fabricate!(resource:, prepare_block:, parents: []) prepare_block.call(resource) if prepare_block resource_web_url = yield resource.web_url = resource_web_url resource end def log_and_record_fabrication(fabrication_method, resource, parents, args) start = Time.now Support::FabricationTracker.start_fabrication result = yield.tap do fabrication_time = Time.now - start fabrication_http_method = if resource.api_fabrication_http_method == :get || resource.retrieved_from_cache if include?(Reusable) "Retrieved for reuse" else "Retrieved" end else "Built" end Support::FabricationTracker.save_fabrication(:"#{fabrication_method}_fabrication", fabrication_time) unless resource.retrieved_from_cache || Runtime::Env.personal_access_tokens_disabled? Tools::TestResourceDataProcessor.collect( resource: resource, info: resource.identifier, fabrication_method: fabrication_method, fabrication_time: fabrication_time ) end Runtime::Logger.info do msg = ["==#{'=' * parents.size}>"] msg << "#{fabrication_http_method} a #{Rainbow(name).black.bg(:white)}" msg << resource.identifier msg << "as a dependency of #{parents.last}" if parents.any? msg << "via #{resource.retrieved_from_cache ? 'cache' : fabrication_method}" msg << "in #{fabrication_time.round(2)} seconds" msg.compact.join(' ') end end Support::FabricationTracker.finish_fabrication result end # Define custom attribute # # @param [Symbol] name # @return [void] def attribute(name, &block) (@attribute_names ||= []).push(name) # save added attributes attr_writer(name) define_method(name) do return instance_variable_get("@#{name}") if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") instance_variable_set("@#{name}", attribute_value(name, block)) end end # Define multiple custom attributes # # @param [Array] names # @return [void] def attributes(*names) names.each { |name| attribute(name) } end end # Override api reload! and update custom attributes from api_resource # api_reload = instance_method(:reload!) define_method(:reload!) do api_reload.bind_call(self) return self unless api_resource all_attributes.each do |attribute_name| instance_variable_set("@#{attribute_name}", api_resource[attribute_name]) if api_resource.key?(attribute_name) end self end attribute :web_url def fabricate!(*_args) raise NotImplementedError end def visit!(skip_resp_code_check: false) Runtime::Logger.info("Visiting #{Rainbow(self.class.name).black.bg(:white)} at #{web_url}") # Just in case an async action is not yet complete Support::WaitForRequests.wait_for_requests(skip_resp_code_check: skip_resp_code_check) Support::Retrier.retry_until do visit(web_url) wait_until { current_url.include?(URI.parse(web_url).path.split('/').last || web_url) } end # Wait until the new page is ready for us to interact with it Support::WaitForRequests.wait_for_requests(skip_resp_code_check: skip_resp_code_check) end def populate(*attribute_names) attribute_names.each { |attribute_name| public_send(attribute_name) } end def wait_until(max_duration: 60, sleep_interval: 0.1, &block) QA::Support::Waiter.wait_until(max_duration: max_duration, sleep_interval: sleep_interval, &block) end # Object comparison # # @param [QA::Resource::Base] other # @return [Boolean] def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && comparable == other.comparable end # Override inspect for a better rspec failure diff output # # @return [String] def inspect JSON.pretty_generate(comparable) end def diff(other) return if self == other diff_values = self.comparable.to_a - other.comparable.to_a diff_values.to_h end def identifier if respond_to?(:username) && username "with username '#{username}'" elsif respond_to?(:full_path) && full_path "with full_path '#{full_path}'" elsif respond_to?(:name) && name "with name '#{name}'" elsif respond_to?(:id) && id "with id '#{id}'" elsif respond_to?(:iid) && iid "with iid '#{iid}'" end rescue QA::Resource::Base::NoValueError nil end def remove_via_api! super Runtime::Logger.info(["Removed a #{self.class.name}", identifier].compact.join(' ')) end protected # Custom resource comparison logic using resource attributes from api_resource # # @return [Hash] def comparable raise("comparable method needs to be implemented in order to compare resources via '=='") end private def attribute_value(name, block) no_api_value = !api_resource&.key?(name) raise NoValueError, "No value was computed for #{name} of #{self.class.name}." if no_api_value && !block unless no_api_value api_value = api_resource[name] log_having_both_api_result_and_block(name, api_value) if block return api_value end instance_exec(&block) end # Get all defined attributes across all parents # # @return [Array] def all_attributes @all_attributes ||= self.class.ancestors .select { |clazz| clazz <= QA::Resource::Base } .map { |clazz| clazz.instance_variable_get(:@attribute_names) } .flatten .compact end def log_having_both_api_result_and_block(name, api_value) api_value = "[MASKED]" if name == :token QA::Runtime::Logger.debug(<<~MSG.strip) <#{self.class}> Attribute #{name.inspect} has both API response `#{api_value}` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored. MSG end end end end