# frozen_string_literal: true module QA module Resource class SSHKey < Base extend Forwardable attr_reader :title attribute :id def_delegators :key, :private_key, :public_key, :md5_fingerprint def initialize self.title = Time.now.to_f end def key @key ||= Runtime::Key::RSA.new end def fabricate! Page::Main::Menu.perform(&:click_settings_link) Page::Profile::Menu.perform(&:click_ssh_keys) Page::Profile::SSHKeys.perform do |profile_page| profile_page.add_key(public_key, title) end end def fabricate_via_api! api_post end def title=(title) @title = "E2E test key: #{title}" end def api_delete QA::Runtime::Logger.debug("Deleting SSH key with title '#{title}' and fingerprint '#{md5_fingerprint}'") super end def api_get_path "/user/keys/#{id}" end def api_post_path '/user/keys' end def api_post_body { title: title, key: public_key } end def api_delete_path "/user/keys/#{id}" end end end end