# frozen_string_literal: true require 'gitlab/qa' module QA module Runtime module Env extend self attr_writer :personal_access_token, :ldap_username, :ldap_password ENV_VARIABLES = Gitlab::QA::Runtime::Env::ENV_VARIABLES # The environment variables used to indicate if the environment under test # supports the given feature SUPPORTED_FEATURES = { git_protocol_v2: 'QA_CAN_TEST_GIT_PROTOCOL_V2', admin: 'QA_CAN_TEST_ADMIN_FEATURES' }.freeze def supported_features SUPPORTED_FEATURES end def admin_password ENV['GITLAB_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] end def admin_username ENV['GITLAB_ADMIN_USERNAME'] end def admin_personal_access_token ENV['GITLAB_QA_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN'] end def debug? enabled?(ENV['QA_DEBUG'], default: false) end def log_destination ENV['QA_LOG_PATH'] || $stdout end # set to 'false' to have Chrome run visibly instead of headless def chrome_headless? enabled?(ENV['CHROME_HEADLESS']) end # set to 'true' to have Chrome use a fixed profile directory def reuse_chrome_profile? enabled?(ENV['CHROME_REUSE_PROFILE'], default: false) end def accept_insecure_certs? enabled?(ENV['ACCEPT_INSECURE_CERTS']) end def running_in_ci? ENV['CI'] || ENV['CI_SERVER'] end def qa_cookies ENV['QA_COOKIES'] && ENV['QA_COOKIES'].split(';') end def signup_disabled? enabled?(ENV['SIGNUP_DISABLED'], default: false) end # specifies token that can be used for the api def personal_access_token @personal_access_token ||= ENV['GITLAB_QA_ACCESS_TOKEN'] end def remote_grid # if username specified, password/auth token is required # can be # - "http://user:pass@somehost.com/wd/hub" # - "https://user:pass@somehost.com:443/wd/hub" # - "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" return if (ENV['QA_REMOTE_GRID'] || '').empty? "#{remote_grid_protocol}://#{remote_grid_credentials}#{ENV['QA_REMOTE_GRID']}/wd/hub" end def remote_grid_username ENV['QA_REMOTE_GRID_USERNAME'] end def remote_grid_access_key ENV['QA_REMOTE_GRID_ACCESS_KEY'] end def remote_grid_protocol ENV['QA_REMOTE_GRID_PROTOCOL'] || 'http' end def browser ENV['QA_BROWSER'].nil? ? :chrome : ENV['QA_BROWSER'].to_sym end def user_username ENV['GITLAB_USERNAME'] end def user_password ENV['GITLAB_PASSWORD'] end def github_username ENV['GITHUB_USERNAME'] end def github_password ENV['GITHUB_PASSWORD'] end def forker? !!(forker_username && forker_password) end def forker_username ENV['GITLAB_FORKER_USERNAME'] end def forker_password ENV['GITLAB_FORKER_PASSWORD'] end def gitlab_qa_username_1 ENV['GITLAB_QA_USERNAME_1'] || 'gitlab-qa-user1' end def gitlab_qa_password_1 ENV['GITLAB_QA_PASSWORD_1'] end def gitlab_qa_username_2 ENV['GITLAB_QA_USERNAME_2'] || 'gitlab-qa-user2' end def gitlab_qa_password_2 ENV['GITLAB_QA_PASSWORD_2'] end def knapsack? !!(ENV['KNAPSACK_GENERATE_REPORT'] || ENV['KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH'] || ENV['KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN']) end def ldap_username @ldap_username ||= ENV['GITLAB_LDAP_USERNAME'] end def ldap_password @ldap_password ||= ENV['GITLAB_LDAP_PASSWORD'] end def sandbox_name ENV['GITLAB_SANDBOX_NAME'] end def namespace_name ENV['GITLAB_NAMESPACE_NAME'] end def auto_devops_project_name ENV['GITLAB_AUTO_DEVOPS_PROJECT_NAME'] end def gcloud_account_key ENV.fetch("GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_KEY") end def gcloud_account_email ENV.fetch("GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_EMAIL") end def gcloud_zone ENV.fetch('GCLOUD_ZONE') end def has_gcloud_credentials? %w[GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_KEY GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_EMAIL].none? { |var| ENV[var].to_s.empty? } end # Specifies the token that can be used for the GitHub API def github_access_token ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN'].to_s.strip end def require_github_access_token! return unless github_access_token.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Please provide GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" end # Returns true if there is an environment variable that indicates that # the feature is supported in the environment under test. # All features are supported by default. def can_test?(feature) raise ArgumentError, %Q(Unknown feature "#{feature}") unless SUPPORTED_FEATURES.include? feature enabled?(ENV[SUPPORTED_FEATURES[feature]], default: true) end def runtime_scenario_attributes ENV['QA_RUNTIME_SCENARIO_ATTRIBUTES'] end private def remote_grid_credentials if remote_grid_username raise ArgumentError, %Q(Please provide an access key for user "#{remote_grid_username}") unless remote_grid_access_key return "#{remote_grid_username}:#{remote_grid_access_key}@" end '' end def enabled?(value, default: true) return default if value.nil? (value =~ /^(false|no|0)$/i) != 0 end end end end