module QA module Runtime module Env extend self # set to 'false' to have Chrome run visibly instead of headless def chrome_headless? (ENV['CHROME_HEADLESS'] =~ /^(false|no|0)$/i) != 0 end def running_in_ci? ENV['CI'] || ENV['CI_SERVER'] end # specifies token that can be used for the api def personal_access_token ENV['PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN'] end # By default, "standard" denotes a standard GitLab user login. # Set this to "ldap" if the user should be logged in via LDAP. def user_type (ENV['GITLAB_USER_TYPE'] || 'standard').tap do |type| unless %w(ldap standard).include?(type) raise"Invalid user type '#{type}': must be 'ldap' or 'standard'") end end end def user_username ENV['GITLAB_USERNAME'] end def user_password ENV['GITLAB_PASSWORD'] end def ldap_username ENV['GITLAB_LDAP_USERNAME'] end def ldap_password ENV['GITLAB_LDAP_PASSWORD'] end def sandbox_name ENV['GITLAB_SANDBOX_NAME'] end end end end