# frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' module QA module Scenario module Bootable Option = Struct.new(:name, :arg, :desc) def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def launch!(argv) return self.perform(*argv) unless has_attributes? arguments = OptionParser.new do |parser| options.to_a.each do |opt| # The argument for the --set-feature-flags option should look something like "flag1=enabled,flag2=disabled" # Here we translate that string into a hash, e.g.: { 'flag1' => 'enabled', 'flag2' => "disabled" } if opt.name == :set_feature_flags parser.on(opt.arg, opt.desc) do |flags| value = flags.split(',').each_with_object({}) do |pair, hash| flag_name, flag_value = pair.split('=') raise '--set-feature-flags requires flag name and flag state for each flag, e.g., flag1=enabled,flag2=disabled' unless flag_name && flag_value hash[flag_name] = flag_value end Runtime::Scenario.define(opt.name, value) end next end parser.on(opt.arg, opt.desc) do |value| Runtime::Scenario.define(opt.name, value) end end end arguments.parse!(argv) self.perform(Runtime::Scenario.attributes, *argv) end private def attribute(name, arg, desc = '') options.push(Option.new(name, arg, desc)) end def options # Scenario options/attributes are global. There's only ever one # scenario at a time, but they can be inherited and we want scenarios # to share the attributes of their ancestors. For example, `Mattermost` # inherits from `Test::Instance::All` but if this were an instance # variable then `Mattermost` wouldn't have access to the attributes # in `All` @@options ||= [] # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars end def has_attributes? options.any? end end end end end