# frozen_string_literal: true module QA RSpec.describe 'Verify', :smoke, :runner, product_group: :pipeline_execution, quarantine: { issue: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/356295', type: :investigating } do describe 'Pipeline creation and processing' do let(:executor) { "qa-runner-#{Time.now.to_i}" } let(:project) do Resource::Project.fabricate_via_api! do |project| project.name = 'project-with-pipeline' end end let!(:runner) do Resource::Runner.fabricate! do |runner| runner.project = project runner.name = executor runner.tags = [executor] end end after do [runner, project].each(&:remove_via_api!) end it 'users creates a pipeline which gets processed', testcase: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/quality/test_cases/348024' do Flow::Login.sign_in Resource::Repository::Commit.fabricate_via_api! do |commit| commit.project = project commit.commit_message = 'Add .gitlab-ci.yml' commit.add_files( [ { file_path: '.gitlab-ci.yml', content: <<~YAML test-success: tags: - #{executor} script: echo 'OK' test-failure: tags: - #{executor} script: - echo 'FAILURE' - exit 1 test-tags-mismatch: tags: - invalid script: echo 'NOOP' test-artifacts: tags: - #{executor} script: mkdir my-artifacts; echo "CONTENTS" > my-artifacts/artifact.txt artifacts: paths: - my-artifacts/ test-coverage-report: tags: - #{executor} script: mkdir coverage; echo "CONTENTS" > coverage/cobertura.xml artifacts: reports: coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: coverage/cobertura.xml YAML } ] ) end.project.visit! Flow::Pipeline.visit_latest_pipeline aggregate_failures do { 'test-success': 'passed', 'test-failure': 'failed', 'test-tags-mismatch': 'pending', 'test-artifacts': 'passed', 'test-coverage-report': 'passed' }.each do |job, status| Page::Project::Pipeline::Show.perform do |pipeline| pipeline.click_job(job) end Page::Project::Job::Show.perform do |show| expect(show).to have_status(status), "Expected job status to be #{status} but got #{show.status_badge} instead." show.click_element(:pipeline_path, Page::Project::Pipeline::Show) end end end end end end end