# frozen_string_literal: true module QA RSpec.describe 'Verify', :runner do describe 'Trigger matrix' do let(:executor) { "qa-runner-#{Faker::Alphanumeric.alphanumeric(8)}" } let(:project) do Resource::Project.fabricate_via_api! do |project| project.name = 'project-with-pipeline' end end let!(:runner) do Resource::Runner.fabricate! do |runner| runner.project = project runner.name = executor runner.tags = [executor] end end before do Flow::Login.sign_in add_ci_files project.visit! Flow::Pipeline.visit_latest_pipeline(pipeline_condition: 'succeeded') end after do runner.remove_via_api! project.remove_via_api! end it 'creates 2 trigger jobs and passes corresponding matrix variables', testcase: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/quality/test_cases/348000' do Page::Project::Pipeline::Show.perform do |parent_pipeline| trigger_title1 = 'deploy: [ovh, monitoring]' trigger_title2 = 'deploy: [ovh, app]' aggregate_failures 'Creates two child pipelines' do expect(parent_pipeline).to have_child_pipeline(title: trigger_title1) expect(parent_pipeline).to have_child_pipeline(title: trigger_title2) end # Only check output of one of the child pipelines, should be sufficient parent_pipeline.expand_child_pipeline(title: trigger_title1) parent_pipeline.click_job('test_vars') end Page::Project::Job::Show.perform do |show| Support::Waiter.wait_until { show.successful? } aggregate_failures 'Job output has the correct variables' do expect(show.output).to have_content('ovh') expect(show.output).to have_content('monitoring') end end end private def add_ci_files Resource::Repository::Commit.fabricate_via_api! do |commit| commit.project = project commit.commit_message = 'Add parent and child pipelines CI files.' commit.add_files( [ child_ci_file, parent_ci_file ] ) end end def parent_ci_file { file_path: '.gitlab-ci.yml', content: <<~YAML test: stage: test script: echo test tags: [#{executor}] deploy: stage: deploy trigger: include: child.yml parallel: matrix: - PROVIDER: ovh STACK: [monitoring, app] YAML } end def child_ci_file { file_path: 'child.yml', content: <<~YAML test_vars: script: - echo $PROVIDER - echo $STACK tags: [#{executor}] YAML } end end end end