module QA feature 'branch protection support', :core do given(:branch_name) { 'protected-branch' } given(:commit_message) { 'Protected push commit message' } given(:project) do Factory::Resource::Project.fabricate! do |resource| = 'protected-branch-project' end end given(:location) do Page::Project::Show.act do choose_repository_clone_http repository_location end end before do Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login) Page::Main::Login.act { sign_in_using_credentials } end after do # We need to clear localStorage because we're using it for the dropdown, # and capybara doesn't do this for us. # Capybara.execute_script 'localStorage.clear()' end scenario 'user is able to protect a branch' do protected_branch = Factory::Resource::Branch.fabricate! do |resource| resource.branch_name = branch_name resource.project = project resource.allow_to_push = true resource.protected = true end expect( have_content(branch_name) expect(protected_branch.push_allowance).to have_content('Developers + Masters') end scenario 'users without authorization cannot push to protected branch' do Factory::Resource::Branch.fabricate! do |resource| resource.branch_name = branch_name resource.project = project resource.allow_to_push = false resource.protected = true end project.visit! Git::Repository.perform do |repository| repository.uri = location.uri repository.use_default_credentials repository.act do clone configure_identity('GitLab QA', '') checkout('protected-branch') commit_file('', 'readme content', 'Add a readme') push_changes('protected-branch') end expect(repository.push_error) .to match(/remote\: GitLab\: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project/) expect(repository.push_error) .to match(/\[remote rejected\] #{branch_name} -> #{branch_name} \(pre-receive hook declined\)/) end end end end