#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'gitlab' require 'optparse' require_relative 'default_options' class CancelPipeline def initialize(options) @project = options.delete(:project) @pipeline_id = options.delete(:pipeline_id) @client = Gitlab.client( endpoint: options.delete(:endpoint) || API::DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:endpoint], private_token: options.delete(:api_token) ) end def execute client.cancel_pipeline(project, pipeline_id) end private attr_reader :project, :pipeline_id, :client end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ options = API::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--project PROJECT", String, "Project where to find the job (defaults to $CI_PROJECT_ID)") do |value| options[:project] = value end opts.on("-i", "--pipeline-id PIPELINE_ID", String, "A pipeline ID (defaults to $CI_PIPELINE_ID)") do |value| options[:pipeline_id] = value end opts.on("-t", "--api-token API_TOKEN", String, "A value API token with the `api` scope") do |value| options[:api_token] = value end opts.on("-E", "--endpoint ENDPOINT", String, "The API endpoint for the API token. (defaults to $CI_API_V4_URL and fallback to https://gitlab.com/api/v4)") do |value| options[:endpoint] = value end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! CancelPipeline.new(options).execute end