#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative 'ee_specific_check/ee_specific_check' include EESpecificCheck # rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage git_version base = find_compare_base current_numstat = updated_diff_numstat(base.ce_base, base.ee_base) updated_numstat = updated_diff_numstat(base.ce_head, base.ee_head) offenses = updated_numstat.select do |file, updated_delta| current_delta = current_numstat[file] more_lines = updated_delta > current_delta more_lines && !WHITELIST.any? { |pattern| Dir.glob(pattern, File::FNM_DOTMATCH).include?(file) } end if offenses.empty? say "🎉 All good, congrats! 🎉" else puts offenses.each do |(file, delta)| puts "* 💥 #{file} has #{delta - current_numstat[file]} updated lines that differ between EE and CE! 💥" end say <<~MESSAGE ℹ️ Make sure all lines in shared files have been updated in your backport merge request and the branch name includes #{minimal_ce_branch_name}. ℹ️ Consider using an EE module to add the features you want. ℹ️ See this for detail: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/ee_features.html#ee-features-based-on-ce-features MESSAGE end remove_remotes say "ℹ️ For more information on why, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/2952" exit(offenses.size)