#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'set' class FailedTests def initialize(options) @filename = options.delete(:previous_tests_report_path) @output_directory = options.delete(:output_directory) @rspec_pg_regex = options.delete(:rspec_pg_regex) @rspec_ee_pg_regex = options.delete(:rspec_ee_pg_regex) end def output_failed_test_files create_output_dir failed_files_for_suite_collection.each do |suite_collection_name, suite_collection_files| failed_test_files = suite_collection_files.map { |filepath| filepath.delete_prefix('./') }.join(' ') output_file = File.join(output_directory, "#{suite_collection_name}_failed_files.txt") File.open(output_file, 'w') do |file| file.write(failed_test_files) end end end def failed_files_for_suite_collection suite_map.each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Set.new }) do |(suite_collection_name, suite_collection_regex), hash| failed_suites.each do |suite| hash[suite_collection_name].merge(failed_files(suite)) if suite['name'] =~ suite_collection_regex end end end def suite_map @suite_map ||= { rspec: rspec_pg_regex, rspec_ee: rspec_ee_pg_regex, jest: /jest/ } end private attr_reader :filename, :output_directory, :rspec_pg_regex, :rspec_ee_pg_regex def file_contents @file_contents ||= begin File.read(filename) rescue Errno::ENOENT '{}' end end def file_contents_as_json @file_contents_as_json ||= begin JSON.parse(file_contents) rescue JSON::ParserError {} end end def failed_suites return [] unless file_contents_as_json['suites'] file_contents_as_json['suites'].select { |suite| suite['failed_count'] > 0 } end def failed_files(suite) return [] unless suite suite['test_cases'].each_with_object([]) do |failure_hash, failed_cases| failed_cases << failure_hash['file'] if failure_hash['status'] == 'failed' end end def create_output_dir return if File.directory?(output_directory) puts 'Creating output directory...' FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_directory) end end if $0 == __FILE__ options = { previous_tests_report_path: 'test_results/previous/test_reports.json', output_directory: 'tmp/previous_failed_tests/', rspec_pg_regex: /rspec .+ pg12( .+)?/, rspec_ee_pg_regex: /rspec-ee .+ pg12( .+)?/ } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--previous-tests-report-path PREVIOUS_TESTS_REPORT_PATH", String, "Path of the file listing previous test failures") do |value| options[:previous_tests_report_path] = value end opts.on("-o", "--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", String, "Output directory for failed test files") do |value| options[:output_directory] = value end opts.on("--rspec-pg-regex RSPEC_PG_REGEX", Regexp, "Regex to use when finding matching RSpec jobs") do |value| options[:rspec_pg_regex] = value end opts.on("--rspec-ee-pg-regex RSPEC_EE_PG_REGEX", Regexp, "Regex to use when finding matching RSpec EE jobs") do |value| options[:rspec_ee_pg_regex] = value end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! FailedTests.new(options).output_failed_test_files end