#!/bin/bash set -e # Script to generate e2e test child pipeline # This is required because environment variables that are generated dynamically are not picked up by rules in child pipelines source "$(dirname "$0")/utils.sh" source $ENV_FILE echoinfo "Generating child pipeline yml definitions for e2e test pipelines child pipelines" declare -A qa_pipelines # key/value pairs for qa pipeline yml definitions qa_pipelines["package-and-test-pipeline.yml"]="package-and-test/main.gitlab-ci.yml" qa_pipelines["package-and-test-nightly-pipeline.yml"]="package-and-test-nightly/main.gitlab-ci.yml" qa_pipelines["review-app-pipeline.yml"]="review-apps/main.gitlab-ci.yml" qa_pipelines["test-on-gdk-pipeline.yml"]="test-on-gdk/main.gitlab-ci.yml" if [ "$QA_SKIP_ALL_TESTS" == "true" ]; then skip_pipeline=".gitlab/ci/_skip.yml" echoinfo "Using ${skip_pipeline} for all e2e test pipelines due to QA_SKIP_ALL_TESTS set to 'true'" for key in "${!qa_pipelines[@]}"; do cp $skip_pipeline "$key" done exit fi # set custom cache key to override default cache in pipeline-common because we use bundle to install gitlab-qa gem qa_cache_key="qa-e2e-ruby-${RUBY_VERSION}-$(md5sum qa/Gemfile.lock | awk '{ print $1 }')" # these variables are used across all qa child pipelines # it allows to use all features across all child pipelines like skipping all tests, selective test execution etc variables=$(cat <>"$key" # add empty line so it's easier to read if debugging echo "$variables" >>"$key" done echoinfo "Successfully generated qa pipeline files"