#!/usr/bin/env ruby require ::File.expand_path('../lib/gitlab/popen', __dir__) tasks = [ %w[bundle exec rake config_lint], %w[bundle exec rake flay], %w[bundle exec rake haml_lint], %w[bundle exec rake scss_lint], %w[bundle exec license_finder], %w[yarn run eslint], %w[bundle exec rubocop --parallel], %w[scripts/lint-conflicts.sh], %w[bundle exec rake gettext:lint], %w[scripts/lint-changelog-yaml] ] failed_tasks = tasks.reduce({}) do |failures, task| start = Time.now puts puts "$ #{task.join(' ')}" output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(task) puts "==> Finished in #{Time.now - start} seconds" puts failures[task.join(' ')] = output unless status.zero? failures end puts puts '===================================================' puts puts if failed_tasks.empty? puts 'All static analyses passed successfully.' else puts 'Some static analyses failed:' failed_tasks.each do |failed_task, output| puts puts "**** #{failed_task} failed with the following error:" puts puts output end exit 1 end