# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Import::BulkImportsController do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in(user) end context 'when user is signed in' do context 'when bulk_import feature flag is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(bulk_import: true) end describe 'POST configure' do context 'when no params are passed in' do it 'clears out existing session' do post :configure expect(session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token]).to be_nil expect(session[:bulk_import_gitlab_url]).to be_nil expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(response).to redirect_to(status_import_bulk_imports_url) end end it 'sets the session variables' do token = 'token' url = 'https://gitlab.example' post :configure, params: { bulk_import_gitlab_access_token: token, bulk_import_gitlab_url: url } expect(session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token]).to eq(token) expect(session[:bulk_import_gitlab_url]).to eq(url) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(response).to redirect_to(status_import_bulk_imports_url) end it 'strips access token with spaces' do token = 'token' post :configure, params: { bulk_import_gitlab_access_token: " #{token} " } expect(session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token]).to eq(token) expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_bulk_imports_url) end it 'passes namespace_id to status' do namespace_id = 5 token = 'token' url = 'https://gitlab.example' post :configure, params: { bulk_import_gitlab_access_token: token, bulk_import_gitlab_url: url, namespace_id: namespace_id } expect(controller).to redirect_to(status_import_bulk_imports_url(namespace_id: namespace_id)) end end describe 'GET status' do def get_status(params_override = {}, format = :json) params = { page: 1, per_page: 20, filter: '' }.merge(params_override) get :status, params: params, format: format, session: { bulk_import_gitlab_url: 'https://gitlab.example.com', bulk_import_gitlab_access_token: 'demo-pat' } end include_context 'bulk imports requests context', 'https://gitlab.example.com' let(:client) { BulkImports::Clients::HTTP.new(url: 'http://gitlab.example', token: 'token') } let(:version) { "#{BulkImport::MIN_MAJOR_VERSION}.#{BulkImport::MIN_MINOR_VERSION_FOR_PROJECT}.0" } let(:version_response) { double(code: 200, success?: true, parsed_response: { 'version' => version }) } describe 'serialized group data' do let(:expected_response) do double( parsed_response: [ { "full_name" => "Stub", "full_path" => "stub-group", "id" => 2595438, "web_url" => "https://gitlab.com/groups/auto-breakfast" } ], headers: { 'x-next-page' => '2', 'x-page' => '1', 'x-per-page' => '20', 'x-total' => '42', 'x-total-pages' => '2' } ) end it 'returns serialized group data' do get_status version_validation = { "features" => { "project_migration" => { "available" => true, "min_version" => BulkImport.min_gl_version_for_project_migration.to_s }, "source_instance_version" => version } } expect(json_response).to include("importable_data" => expected_response.parsed_response, "version_validation" => hash_including(version_validation)) end it 'forwards pagination headers' do get_status expect(response.headers['x-per-page']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-per-page'] expect(response.headers['x-page']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-page'] expect(response.headers['x-next-page']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-next-page'] expect(response.headers['x-prev-page']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-prev-page'] expect(response.headers['x-total']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-total'] expect(response.headers['x-total-pages']).to eq expected_response.headers['x-total-pages'] end context 'when filtering' do let_it_be(:filter) { 'test' } let(:client_params) do { top_level_only: true, min_access_level: Gitlab::Access::OWNER, search: filter } end it 'returns filtered result' do get_status(filter: filter) expect(json_response['importable_data'].first['full_name']).to eq('Test') end end end context 'when host url is local or not http' do %w[https://localhost:3000 ftp://testing].each do |url| before do stub_application_setting(allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services: false) session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token] = 'test' session[:bulk_import_gitlab_url] = url end it 'denies network request' do get :status expect(controller).to redirect_to(new_group_path(anchor: 'import-group-pane')) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('Specified URL cannot be used: "Only allowed schemes are http, https"') end end context 'when local requests are allowed' do %w[https://localhost:3000].each do |url| before do stub_application_setting(allow_local_requests_from_web_hooks_and_services: true) session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token] = 'test' session[:bulk_import_gitlab_url] = url end it 'allows network request' do get :status expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end end context 'when namespace_id is provided' do let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } it 'renders 404 if user does not have access to namespace' do get_status({ namespace_id: group.id }, :html) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end it 'passes namespace to template' do group.add_owner(user) get_status({ namespace_id: group.id }, :html) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:namespace)).to eq(group) end end end context 'when connection error occurs' do before do allow_next_instance_of(BulkImports::Clients::HTTP) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:get).and_raise(BulkImports::Error) end end it 'returns 422' do get_status expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) end it 'clears session' do get_status expect(session[:gitlab_url]).to be_nil expect(session[:gitlab_access_token]).to be_nil end end end describe 'GET realtime_changes' do let_it_be(:bulk_import) { create(:bulk_import, :created, user: user) } it 'returns bulk imports created by current user' do get :realtime_changes expect(json_response).to eq([{ 'id' => bulk_import.id, 'status_name' => bulk_import.status_name.to_s }]) end it 'sets a Poll-Interval header' do get :realtime_changes expect(response.headers['Poll-Interval']).to eq(Import::BulkImportsController::POLLING_INTERVAL.to_s) end end describe 'POST create' do let(:instance_url) { "http://fake-instance" } let(:bulk_import) { create(:bulk_import) } let(:pat) { "fake-pat" } let(:bulk_import_params) do [{ "source_type" => "group_entity", "source_full_path" => "full_path", "destination_slug" => "destination_name", "destination_namespace" => "root" }, { "source_type" => "group_entity2", "source_full_path" => "full_path2", "destination_slug" => "destination_name2", "destination_namespace" => "root" }] end before do session[:bulk_import_gitlab_access_token] = pat session[:bulk_import_gitlab_url] = instance_url end it 'executes BulkImports::CreateService' do error_response = ServiceResponse.error(message: 'Record invalid', http_status: :unprocessable_entity) expect_next_instance_of( ::BulkImports::CreateService, user, bulk_import_params[0], { url: instance_url, access_token: pat }) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(ServiceResponse.success(payload: bulk_import)) end expect_next_instance_of( ::BulkImports::CreateService, user, bulk_import_params[1], { url: instance_url, access_token: pat }) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(error_response) end post :create, params: { bulk_import: bulk_import_params } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq([{ "success" => true, "id" => bulk_import.id, "message" => nil }, { "success" => false, "id" => nil, "message" => "Record invalid" }]) end context 'when entity destination_name is specified' do let(:bulk_import_params) do [ { "source_type" => "group_entity", "source_full_path" => "full_path", "destination_name" => "destination_name", "destination_namespace" => "root" } ] end it 'replaces destination_name with destination_slug and executes BulkImports::CreateService' do entity = { "source_type" => "group_entity", "source_full_path" => "full_path", "destination_slug" => "destination_name", "destination_namespace" => "root" } expect_next_instance_of( ::BulkImports::CreateService, user, entity, { url: instance_url, access_token: pat }) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:execute).and_return(ServiceResponse.success(payload: bulk_import)) end post :create, params: { bulk_import: bulk_import_params } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to match_array([{ "success" => true, "id" => bulk_import.id, "message" => nil }]) end end end end context 'when bulk_import feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(bulk_import: false) end context 'POST configure' do it 'returns 404' do post :configure expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end context 'GET status' do it 'returns 404' do get :status expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) end end end end context 'when user is signed out' do before do sign_out(user) end context 'POST configure' do it 'redirects to sign in page' do post :configure expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path) end end context 'GET status' do it 'redirects to sign in page' do get :status expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:found) expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path) end end end end