require 'spec_helper' feature 'Group share with group lock' do given(:root_owner) { create(:user) } given(:root_group) { create(:group) } background do root_group.add_owner(root_owner) sign_in(root_owner) end context 'with a subgroup', :nested_groups do given!(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group) } context 'when enabling the parent group share with group lock' do scenario 'the subgroup share with group lock becomes enabled' do visit edit_group_path(root_group) check 'group_share_with_group_lock' click_on 'Save group' expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock?).to be_truthy end end context 'when disabling the parent group share with group lock (which was already enabled)' do background do visit edit_group_path(root_group) check 'group_share_with_group_lock' click_on 'Save group' end context 'and the subgroup share with group lock is enabled' do scenario 'the subgroup share with group lock does not change' do visit edit_group_path(root_group) uncheck 'group_share_with_group_lock' click_on 'Save group' expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock?).to be_truthy end end context 'but the subgroup share with group lock is disabled' do background do visit edit_group_path(subgroup) uncheck 'group_share_with_group_lock' click_on 'Save group' end scenario 'the subgroup share with group lock does not change' do visit edit_group_path(root_group) uncheck 'group_share_with_group_lock' click_on 'Save group' expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock?).to be_falsey end end end end end