# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Database::BatchedBackgroundMigrationsFinder do let!(:migration_1) { create(:batched_background_migration, created_at: Time.now - 2) } let!(:migration_2) { create(:batched_background_migration, created_at: Time.now - 1) } let!(:migration_3) { create(:batched_background_migration, created_at: Time.now - 3) } let(:finder) { described_class.new(connection: connection) } describe '#execute' do let(:connection) { ApplicationRecord.connection } subject { finder.execute } it 'returns migrations order by created_at (DESC)' do is_expected.to eq([migration_2, migration_1, migration_3]) end it 'limits the number of returned migrations' do stub_const('Database::BatchedBackgroundMigrationsFinder::RETURNED_MIGRATIONS', 2) is_expected.to eq([migration_2, migration_1]) end end end