// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax import { setImmediate } from 'timers'; /** Helper for testing action with expected mutations inspired in * https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/testing.html * * @param {(Function|Object)} action to be tested, or object of named parameters * @param {Object} payload will be provided to the action * @param {Object} state will be provided to the action * @param {Array} [expectedMutations=[]] mutations expected to be committed * @param {Array} [expectedActions=[]] actions expected to be dispatched * @return {Promise} * * @example * testAction( * actions.actionName, // action * { }, // mocked payload * state, //state * // expected mutations * [ * { type: types.MUTATION} * { type: types.MUTATION_1, payload: expect.any(Number)} * ], * // expected actions * [ * { type: 'actionName', payload: {param: 'foobar'}}, * { type: 'actionName1'} * ] * ); * * @example * await testAction({ * action: actions.actionName, * payload: { deleteListId: 1 }, * state: { lists: [1, 2, 3] }, * expectedMutations: [ { type: types.MUTATION} ], * expectedActions: [], * }) */ export default ( actionArg, payloadArg, stateArg, expectedMutationsArg = [], expectedActionsArg = [], ) => { let action = actionArg; let payload = payloadArg; let state = stateArg; let expectedMutations = expectedMutationsArg; let expectedActions = expectedActionsArg; if (typeof actionArg !== 'function') { ({ action, payload, state, expectedMutations = [], expectedActions = [] } = actionArg); } const mutations = []; const actions = []; // mock commit const commit = (type, mutationPayload) => { const mutation = { type }; if (typeof mutationPayload !== 'undefined') { mutation.payload = mutationPayload; } mutations.push(mutation); }; // mock dispatch const dispatch = (type, actionPayload) => { const dispatchedAction = { type }; if (typeof actionPayload !== 'undefined') { dispatchedAction.payload = actionPayload; } actions.push(dispatchedAction); }; const validateResults = () => { expect({ mutations, actions, }).toEqual({ mutations: expectedMutations, actions: expectedActions, }); }; const result = action( { commit, state, dispatch, rootState: state, rootGetters: state, getters: state }, payload, ); return ( result || new Promise((resolve) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax setImmediate(resolve); }) ) .catch((error) => { validateResults(); throw error; }) .then((data) => { validateResults(); return data; }); };