import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import getGroupTransferLocationsResponse from 'test_fixtures/api/groups/transfer_locations.json'; import httpStatus from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { DEFAULT_PER_PAGE } from '~/api'; import { updateGroup, getGroupTransferLocations } from '~/api/groups_api'; const mockApiVersion = 'v4'; const mockUrlRoot = '/gitlab'; const mockGroupId = '99'; describe('GroupsApi', () => { let originalGon; let mock; const dummyGon = { api_version: mockApiVersion, relative_url_root: mockUrlRoot, }; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); originalGon = window.gon; window.gon = { ...dummyGon }; }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); window.gon = originalGon; }); describe('updateGroup', () => { const mockData = { attr: 'value' }; const expectedUrl = `${mockUrlRoot}/api/${mockApiVersion}/groups/${mockGroupId}`; beforeEach(() => { mock.onPut(expectedUrl).reply(({ data }) => { return [httpStatus.OK, { id: mockGroupId, ...JSON.parse(data) }]; }); }); it('updates group', async () => { const res = await updateGroup(mockGroupId, mockData); expect({ id: mockGroupId, ...mockData }); }); }); describe('getGroupTransferLocations', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); }); it('retrieves transfer locations from the correct URL and returns them in the response data', async () => { const params = { page: 1 }; const expectedUrl = `${mockUrlRoot}/api/${mockApiVersion}/groups/${mockGroupId}/transfer_locations`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, { data: getGroupTransferLocationsResponse }); await expect(getGroupTransferLocations(mockGroupId, params)).resolves.toMatchObject({ data: { data: getGroupTransferLocationsResponse }, }); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, { params: { ...params, per_page: DEFAULT_PER_PAGE }, }); }); }); });