import { orderBy } from 'lodash'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import BoardFilteredSearch from 'ee_else_ce/boards/components/board_filtered_search.vue'; import IssueBoardFilteredSpec from '~/boards/components/issue_board_filtered_search.vue'; import issueBoardFilters from '~/boards/issue_board_filters'; import { mockTokens } from '../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/boards/issue_board_filters'); describe('IssueBoardFilter', () => { let wrapper; const findBoardsFilteredSearch = () => wrapper.findComponent(BoardFilteredSearch); const createComponent = ({ isSignedIn = false } = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(IssueBoardFilteredSpec, { provide: { isSignedIn, releasesFetchPath: '/releases', fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardType: 'group', }, }); }; let fetchUsersSpy; let fetchLabelsSpy; beforeEach(() => { fetchUsersSpy = jest.fn(); fetchLabelsSpy = jest.fn(); issueBoardFilters.mockReturnValue({ fetchUsers: fetchUsersSpy, fetchLabels: fetchLabelsSpy, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('default', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('finds BoardFilteredSearch', () => { expect(findBoardsFilteredSearch().exists()).toBe(true); }); it.each` isSignedIn ${true} ${false} `( 'passes the correct tokens to BoardFilteredSearch when user sign in is $isSignedIn', ({ isSignedIn }) => { createComponent({ isSignedIn }); const tokens = mockTokens( fetchLabelsSpy, fetchUsersSpy, wrapper.vm.fetchMilestones, isSignedIn, ); expect(findBoardsFilteredSearch().props('tokens')).toEqual(orderBy(tokens, ['title'])); }, ); }); });