import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import { GlLoadingIcon, GlTable } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import { resolvers } from '~/ci_variable_list/graphql/settings'; import { convertToGraphQLId } from '~/graphql_shared/utils'; import ciVariableShared from '~/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_shared.vue'; import ciVariableSettings from '~/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_settings.vue'; import ciVariableTable from '~/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_table.vue'; import getProjectEnvironments from '~/ci_variable_list/graphql/queries/project_environments.query.graphql'; import getAdminVariables from '~/ci_variable_list/graphql/queries/variables.query.graphql'; import getGroupVariables from '~/ci_variable_list/graphql/queries/group_variables.query.graphql'; import getProjectVariables from '~/ci_variable_list/graphql/queries/project_variables.query.graphql'; import { ADD_MUTATION_ACTION, DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION, UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION, environmentFetchErrorText, genericMutationErrorText, variableFetchErrorText, } from '~/ci_variable_list/constants'; import { createGroupProps, createInstanceProps, createProjectProps, createGroupProvide, createProjectProvide, devName, mockProjectEnvironments, mockProjectVariables, newVariable, prodName, mockGroupVariables, mockAdminVariables, } from '../mocks'; jest.mock('~/flash'); Vue.use(VueApollo); const mockProvide = { endpoint: '/variables', isGroup: false, isProject: false, }; const defaultProps = { areScopedVariablesAvailable: true, hideEnvironmentScope: false, refetchAfterMutation: false, }; describe('Ci Variable Shared Component', () => { let wrapper; let mockApollo; let mockEnvironments; let mockVariables; const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon); const findCiTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTable); const findCiSettings = () => wrapper.findComponent(ciVariableSettings); // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return async function createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers = null, isLoading = false, props = { ...createProjectProps() }, provide = {}, } = {}) { const handlers = customHandlers || [ [getProjectEnvironments, mockEnvironments], [getProjectVariables, mockVariables], ]; mockApollo = createMockApollo(handlers, resolvers); wrapper = shallowMount(ciVariableShared, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, provide: { ...mockProvide, ...provide, }, apolloProvider: mockApollo, stubs: { ciVariableSettings, ciVariableTable }, }); if (!isLoading) { return waitForPromises(); } } beforeEach(() => { mockEnvironments = jest.fn(); mockVariables = jest.fn(); }); describe('while queries are being fetch', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponentWithApollo({ isLoading: true }); }); it('shows a loading icon', () => { expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findCiTable().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when queries are resolved', () => { describe('successfully', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockEnvironments.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectEnvironments); mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectVariables); await createComponentWithApollo({ provide: createProjectProvide() }); }); it('passes down the expected max variable limit as props', () => { expect(findCiSettings().props('maxVariableLimit')).toBe(, ); }); it('passes down the expected environments as props', () => { expect(findCiSettings().props('environments')).toEqual([prodName, devName]); }); it('passes down the expected variables as props', () => { expect(findCiSettings().props('variables')).toEqual(, ); }); it('createAlert was not called', () => { expect(createAlert).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('with an error for variables', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockEnvironments.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectEnvironments); mockVariables.mockRejectedValue(); await createComponentWithApollo(); }); it('calls createAlert with the expected error message', () => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: variableFetchErrorText }); }); }); describe('with an error for environments', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockEnvironments.mockRejectedValue(); mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectVariables); await createComponentWithApollo(); }); it('calls createAlert with the expected error message', () => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: environmentFetchErrorText }); }); }); }); describe('environment query', () => { describe('when there is an environment key in queryData', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockEnvironments.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectEnvironments); mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockProjectVariables); await createComponentWithApollo({ props: { ...createProjectProps() } }); }); it('is executed', () => { expect(mockVariables).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when there isnt an environment key in queryData', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockGroupVariables); await createComponentWithApollo({ props: { ...createGroupProps() } }); }); it('is skipped', () => { expect(mockVariables).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('mutations', () => { const groupProps = createGroupProps(); beforeEach(async () => { mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockGroupVariables); await createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers: [[getGroupVariables, mockVariables]], props: groupProps, }); }); it.each` actionName | mutation | event ${'add'} | ${groupProps.mutationData[ADD_MUTATION_ACTION]} | ${'add-variable'} ${'update'} | ${groupProps.mutationData[UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION]} | ${'update-variable'} ${'delete'} | ${groupProps.mutationData[DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION]} | ${'delete-variable'} `( 'calls the right mutation from propsData when user performs $actionName variable', async ({ event, mutation }) => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(); await findCiSettings().vm.$emit(event, newVariable); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation, variables: { endpoint: mockProvide.endpoint, fullPath: groupProps.fullPath, id: convertToGraphQLId('Group',, variable: newVariable, }, }); }, ); it.each` actionName | event ${'add'} | ${'add-variable'} ${'update'} | ${'update-variable'} ${'delete'} | ${'delete-variable'} `( 'throws with the specific graphql error if present when user performs $actionName variable', async ({ event }) => { const graphQLErrorMessage = 'There is a problem with this graphQL action'; jest .spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { ciVariableMutation: { errors: [graphQLErrorMessage] } } }); await findCiSettings().vm.$emit(event, newVariable); await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: graphQLErrorMessage }); }, ); it.each` actionName | event ${'add'} | ${'add-variable'} ${'update'} | ${'update-variable'} ${'delete'} | ${'delete-variable'} `( 'throws generic error on failure with no graphql errors and user performs $actionName variable', async ({ event }) => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(); }); await findCiSettings().vm.$emit(event, newVariable); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: genericMutationErrorText }); }, ); describe('without fullpath and ID props', () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockAdminVariables); await createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers: [[getAdminVariables, mockVariables]], props: createInstanceProps(), }); }); it('does not pass fullPath and ID to the mutation', async () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(); await findCiSettings().vm.$emit('add-variable', newVariable); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: wrapper.props().mutationData[ADD_MUTATION_ACTION], variables: { endpoint: mockProvide.endpoint, variable: newVariable, }, }); }); }); }); describe('Props', () => { const mockGroupCiVariables =; const mockProjectCiVariables =; describe('in a specific context as', () => { it.each` name | mockVariablesValue | mockEnvironmentsValue | withEnvironments | expectedEnvironments | propsFn | provideFn | mutation | maxVariableLimit ${'project'} | ${mockProjectVariables} | ${mockProjectEnvironments} | ${true} | ${['prod', 'dev']} | ${createProjectProps} | ${createProjectProvide} | ${null} | ${mockProjectCiVariables.limit} ${'group'} | ${mockGroupVariables} | ${[]} | ${false} | ${[]} | ${createGroupProps} | ${createGroupProvide} | ${getGroupVariables} | ${mockGroupCiVariables.limit} ${'instance'} | ${mockAdminVariables} | ${[]} | ${false} | ${[]} | ${createInstanceProps} | ${() => {}} | ${getAdminVariables} | ${0} `( 'passes down all the required props when its a $name component', async ({ mutation, maxVariableLimit, mockVariablesValue, mockEnvironmentsValue, withEnvironments, expectedEnvironments, propsFn, provideFn, }) => { const props = propsFn(); const provide = provideFn(); mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockVariablesValue); if (withEnvironments) { mockEnvironments.mockResolvedValue(mockEnvironmentsValue); } let customHandlers = null; if (mutation) { customHandlers = [[mutation, mockVariables]]; } await createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers, props, provide }); expect(findCiSettings().props()).toEqual({ areScopedVariablesAvailable: wrapper.props().areScopedVariablesAvailable, hideEnvironmentScope: defaultProps.hideEnvironmentScope, isLoading: false, maxVariableLimit, variables: wrapper.props().queryData.ciVariables.lookup(, entity: props.entity, environments: expectedEnvironments, }); }, ); }); describe('refetchAfterMutation', () => { it.each` bool | text ${true} | ${'refetches the variables'} ${false} | ${'does not refetch the variables'} `('when $bool it $text', async ({ bool }) => { await createComponentWithApollo({ props: { ...createInstanceProps(), refetchAfterMutation: bool }, }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: {} }); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo.queries.ciVariables, 'refetch').mockImplementation(jest.fn()); await findCiSettings().vm.$emit('add-variable', newVariable); await nextTick(); if (bool) { expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.queries.ciVariables.refetch).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.queries.ciVariables.refetch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); }); describe('Validators', () => { describe('queryData', () => { let error; beforeEach(async () => { mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockGroupVariables); }); it('will mount component with right data', async () => { try { await createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers: [[getGroupVariables, mockVariables]], props: { ...createGroupProps() }, }); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(wrapper.exists()).toBe(true); expect(error).toBeUndefined(); } }); it('will not mount component with wrong data', async () => { try { await createComponentWithApollo({ customHandlers: [[getGroupVariables, mockVariables]], props: { ...createGroupProps(), queryData: { wrongKey: {} } }, }); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(wrapper.exists()).toBe(false); expect(error.toString()).toContain('custom validator check failed for prop'); } }); }); describe('mutationData', () => { let error; beforeEach(async () => { mockVariables.mockResolvedValue(mockGroupVariables); }); it('will mount component with right data', async () => { try { await createComponentWithApollo({ props: { ...createGroupProps() }, }); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(wrapper.exists()).toBe(true); expect(error).toBeUndefined(); } }); it('will not mount component with wrong data', async () => { try { await createComponentWithApollo({ props: { ...createGroupProps(), mutationData: { wrongKey: {} } }, }); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { expect(wrapper.exists()).toBe(false); expect(error.toString()).toContain('custom validator check failed for prop'); } }); }); }); }); });