import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Visibility from 'visibilityjs'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import fixture from 'test_fixtures/pipelines/pipelines.json'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import Poll from '~/lib/utils/poll'; import CommitPipelineStatus from '~/projects/tree/components/commit_pipeline_status_component.vue'; import CiIcon from '~/vue_shared/components/ci_icon.vue'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/poll'); jest.mock('visibilityjs'); jest.mock('~/flash'); const mockFetchData = jest.fn(); jest.mock('~/projects/tree/services/commit_pipeline_service', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ fetchData: mockFetchData.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()), })), ); describe('Commit pipeline status component', () => { let wrapper; const { pipelines } = fixture; const { status: mockCiStatus } = pipelines[0].details; const defaultProps = { endpoint: 'endpoint', }; const createComponent = (props = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(CommitPipelineStatus, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, }); }; const findLoader = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon); const findLink = () => wrapper.find('a'); const findCiIcon = () => findLink().findComponent(CiIcon); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('Visibility management', () => { describe('when component is hidden', () => { beforeEach(() => { Visibility.hidden.mockReturnValue(true); createComponent(); }); it('does not start polling', () => { const [pollInstance] = Poll.mock.instances; expect(pollInstance.makeRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('requests pipeline data', () => { expect(mockFetchData).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when component is visible', () => { beforeEach(() => { Visibility.hidden.mockReturnValue(false); createComponent(); }); it('starts polling', () => { const [pollInstance] = [...Poll.mock.instances].reverse(); expect(pollInstance.makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when component changes its visibility', () => { it.each` visibility | action ${false} | ${'restart'} ${true} | ${'stop'} `( '$action polling when component visibility becomes $visibility', ({ visibility, action }) => { Visibility.hidden.mockReturnValue(!visibility); createComponent(); const [pollInstance] = Poll.mock.instances; expect(pollInstance[action]).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); Visibility.hidden.mockReturnValue(visibility); const [visibilityHandler] = Visibility.change.mock.calls[0]; visibilityHandler(); expect(pollInstance[action]).toHaveBeenCalled(); }, ); }); }); it('stops polling when component is destroyed', () => { createComponent(); wrapper.destroy(); const [pollInstance] = Poll.mock.instances; expect(pollInstance.stop).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when polling', () => { let pollConfig; beforeEach(() => { Poll.mockImplementation((config) => { pollConfig = config; return { makeRequest: jest.fn(), restart: jest.fn(), stop: jest.fn() }; }); createComponent(); }); it('shows the loading icon at start', async () => { createComponent(); expect(findLoader().exists()).toBe(true); pollConfig.successCallback({ data: { pipelines: [] }, }); await nextTick(); expect(findLoader().exists()).toBe(false); }); describe('is successful', () => { beforeEach(async () => { pollConfig.successCallback({ data: { pipelines: [{ details: { status: mockCiStatus } }] }, }); await nextTick(); }); it('does not render loader', () => { expect(findLoader().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders link with href', () => { expect(findLink().attributes('href')).toEqual(mockCiStatus.details_path); }); it('renders CI icon with the correct title and status', () => { expect(findCiIcon().attributes('title')).toEqual('Pipeline: passed'); expect(findCiIcon().props('status')).toEqual(mockCiStatus); }); }); describe('is not successful', () => { beforeEach(() => { pollConfig.errorCallback(); }); it('does not render loader', () => { expect(findLoader().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('renders link with href', () => { expect(findLink().attributes('href')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('renders not found CI icon', () => { expect(findCiIcon().attributes('title')).toEqual('Pipeline: not found'); expect(findCiIcon().props('status')).toEqual({ text: 'not found', icon: 'status_notfound', group: 'notfound', }); }); it('displays flash error message', () => { expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });