import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import DesignReplyForm from '~/design_management/components/design_notes/design_reply_form.vue'; const showModal = jest.fn(); const GlModal = { template: '
', methods: { show: showModal, }, }; describe('Design reply form component', () => { let wrapper; const findTextarea = () => wrapper.find('textarea'); const findSubmitButton = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'submitButton' }); const findCancelButton = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'cancelButton' }); const findModal = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'cancelCommentModal' }); function createComponent(props = {}, mountOptions = {}) { wrapper = mount(DesignReplyForm, { propsData: { value: '', isSaving: false, ...props, }, stubs: { GlModal }, ...mountOptions, }); } afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); it('textarea has focus after component mount', () => { // We need to attach to document, so that `document.activeElement` is properly set in jsdom createComponent({}, { attachToDocument: true }); expect(findTextarea().element).toEqual(document.activeElement); }); it('renders button text as "Comment" when creating a comment', () => { createComponent(); expect(findSubmitButton().html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders button text as "Save comment" when creating a comment', () => { createComponent({ isNewComment: false }); expect(findSubmitButton().html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('when form has no text', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ value: '', }); }); it('submit button is disabled', () => { expect(findSubmitButton().attributes().disabled).toBeTruthy(); }); it('does not emit submitForm event on textarea ctrl+enter keydown', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keydown.enter', { ctrlKey: true, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('submit-form')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('does not emit submitForm event on textarea meta+enter keydown', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keydown.enter', { metaKey: true, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('submit-form')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it('emits cancelForm event on pressing escape button on textarea', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keyup.esc'); expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('emits cancelForm event on clicking Cancel button', () => { findCancelButton().vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel-form')).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('when form has text', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ value: 'test', }); }); it('submit button is enabled', () => { expect(findSubmitButton().attributes().disabled).toBeFalsy(); }); it('emits submitForm event on Comment button click', () => { findSubmitButton().vm.$emit('click'); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('submit-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('emits submitForm event on textarea ctrl+enter keydown', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keydown.enter', { ctrlKey: true, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('submit-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('emits submitForm event on textarea meta+enter keydown', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keydown.enter', { metaKey: true, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('submit-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('emits input event on changing textarea content', () => { findTextarea().setValue('test2'); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.emitted('input')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('emits cancelForm event on Escape key if text was not changed', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keyup.esc'); expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('opens confirmation modal on Escape key when text has changed', () => { wrapper.setProps({ value: 'test2' }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { findTextarea().trigger('keyup.esc'); expect(showModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('emits cancelForm event on Cancel button click if text was not changed', () => { findCancelButton().trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('opens confirmation modal on Cancel button click when text has changed', () => { wrapper.setProps({ value: 'test2' }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { findCancelButton().trigger('click'); expect(showModal).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('emits cancelForm event on modal Ok button click', () => { findTextarea().trigger('keyup.esc'); findModal().vm.$emit('ok'); expect(wrapper.emitted('cancel-form')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });