import * as getters from '~/diffs/store/getters'; import state from '~/diffs/store/modules/diff_state'; import { DIFF_COMPARE_BASE_VERSION_INDEX, DIFF_COMPARE_HEAD_VERSION_INDEX, } from '~/diffs/constants'; import diffsMockData from '../mock_data/merge_request_diffs'; describe('Compare diff version dropdowns', () => { let localState; beforeEach(() => { localState = state(); localState.mergeRequestDiff = { base_version_path: 'basePath', head_version_path: 'headPath', version_index: 1, }; localState.targetBranchName = 'baseVersion'; localState.mergeRequestDiffs = diffsMockData; }); describe('selectedTargetIndex', () => { it('without startVersion', () => { expect(getters.selectedTargetIndex(localState)).toEqual(DIFF_COMPARE_BASE_VERSION_INDEX); }); it('with startVersion', () => { const startVersion = { version_index: 1 }; localState.startVersion = startVersion; expect(getters.selectedTargetIndex(localState)).toEqual(startVersion.version_index); }); }); it('selectedSourceIndex', () => { expect(getters.selectedSourceIndex(localState)).toEqual( localState.mergeRequestDiff.version_index, ); }); describe('diffCompareDropdownTargetVersions', () => { // diffCompareDropdownTargetVersions slices the array at the first position // and appends a "base" and "head" version at the end of the list so that // "base" and "head" appear at the bottom of the dropdown // this is also why we use diffsMockData[1] for the "first" version let expectedFirstVersion; let expectedBaseVersion; let expectedHeadVersion; const originalLocation = window.location; const setupTest = includeDiffHeadParam => { const diffHeadParam = includeDiffHeadParam ? '?diff_head=true' : ''; Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { writable: true, value: { href: `${diffHeadParam}` }, }); expectedFirstVersion = { ...diffsMockData[1], href: expect.any(String), versionName: expect.any(String), selected: false, }; expectedBaseVersion = { versionName: 'baseVersion', version_index: DIFF_COMPARE_BASE_VERSION_INDEX, href: 'basePath', isBase: true, selected: false, }; expectedHeadVersion = { versionName: 'baseVersion', version_index: DIFF_COMPARE_HEAD_VERSION_INDEX, href: 'headPath', isHead: true, selected: false, }; }; const assertVersions = targetVersions => { // base and head should be the last two versions in that order const targetBaseVersion = targetVersions[targetVersions.length - 2]; const targetHeadVersion = targetVersions[targetVersions.length - 1]; expect(targetVersions[0]).toEqual(expectedFirstVersion); expect(targetBaseVersion).toEqual(expectedBaseVersion); expect(targetHeadVersion).toEqual(expectedHeadVersion); }; afterEach(() => { window.location = originalLocation; }); it('base version selected', () => { setupTest(); expectedBaseVersion.selected = true; const targetVersions = getters.diffCompareDropdownTargetVersions(localState, getters); assertVersions(targetVersions); }); it('head version selected', () => { setupTest(true); expectedHeadVersion.selected = true; const targetVersions = getters.diffCompareDropdownTargetVersions(localState, getters); assertVersions(targetVersions); }); it('first version selected', () => { // NOTE: It should not be possible to have both "diff_head=true" and // have anything other than the head version selected, but the user could // manually add "?diff_head=true" to the url. In this instance we still // want the actual selected version to display as "selected" // Passing in "true" here asserts that first version is still selected // even if "diff_head" is present in the url setupTest(true); expectedFirstVersion.selected = true; localState.startVersion = expectedFirstVersion; const targetVersions = getters.diffCompareDropdownTargetVersions(localState, { selectedTargetIndex: expectedFirstVersion.version_index, }); assertVersions(targetVersions); }); }); it('diffCompareDropdownSourceVersions', () => { const firstDiff = localState.mergeRequestDiffs[0]; const expectedShape = { ...firstDiff, href: firstDiff.version_path, commitsText: `${firstDiff.commits_count} commits,`, versionName: 'latest version', selected: true, }; const sourceVersions = getters.diffCompareDropdownSourceVersions(localState, { selectedSourceIndex: expectedShape.version_index, }); expect(sourceVersions[0]).toEqual(expectedShape); expect(sourceVersions[1].selected).toBe(false); }); });