import { mapToScopesViewModel } from '~/feature_flags/store/helpers'; import * as types from '~/feature_flags/store/index/mutation_types'; import mutations from '~/feature_flags/store/index/mutations'; import state from '~/feature_flags/store/index/state'; import { parseIntPagination, normalizeHeaders } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { getRequestData, rotateData, featureFlag, userList } from '../../mock_data'; describe('Feature flags store Mutations', () => { let stateCopy; beforeEach(() => { stateCopy = state({}); }); describe('SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_OPTIONS', () => { it('should set provided options', () => { mutations[types.SET_FEATURE_FLAGS_OPTIONS](stateCopy, { page: '1', scope: 'all' }); expect(stateCopy.options).toEqual({ page: '1', scope: 'all' }); }); }); describe('REQUEST_FEATURE_FLAGS', () => { it('should set isLoading to true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_FEATURE_FLAGS](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUCCESS', () => { const headers = { 'x-next-page': '2', 'x-page': '1', 'X-Per-Page': '2', 'X-Prev-Page': '', 'X-TOTAL': '37', 'X-Total-Pages': '5', }; beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { data: getRequestData, headers }); }); it('should set isLoading to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); }); it('should set hasError to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasError).toEqual(false); }); it('should set featureFlags with the transformed data', () => { const expected = => ({ ...flag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(flag.scopes || []), })); expect(stateCopy.featureFlags).toEqual(expected); }); it('should set count with the given data', () => { expect(stateCopy.count.featureFlags).toEqual(37); }); it('should set pagination', () => { expect(stateCopy.pageInfo.featureFlags).toEqual( parseIntPagination(normalizeHeaders(headers)), ); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_FEATURE_FLAGS_ERROR](stateCopy); }); it('should set isLoading to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); }); it('should set hasError to true', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasError).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('REQUEST_USER_LISTS', () => { it('sets isLoading to true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_USER_LISTS](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toBe(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_USER_LISTS_SUCCESS', () => { const headers = { 'x-next-page': '2', 'x-page': '1', 'X-Per-Page': '2', 'X-Prev-Page': '', 'X-TOTAL': '37', 'X-Total-Pages': '5', }; beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_USER_LISTS_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { data: [userList], headers }); }); it('sets isLoading to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toBe(false); }); it('sets userLists to the received userLists', () => { expect(stateCopy.userLists).toEqual([userList]); }); it('sets pagination info for user lits', () => { expect(stateCopy.pageInfo.userLists).toEqual(parseIntPagination(normalizeHeaders(headers))); }); it('sets the count for user lists', () => { expect(stateCopy.count.userLists).toBe(parseInt(headers['X-TOTAL'], 10)); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_USER_LISTS_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_USER_LISTS_ERROR](stateCopy); }); it('should set isLoading to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); }); it('should set hasError to true', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasError).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('REQUEST_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.REQUEST_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID](stateCopy); }); it('should set isRotating to true', () => { expect(stateCopy.isRotating).toBe(true); }); it('should set hasRotateError to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasRotateError).toBe(false); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_SUCCESS', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { data: rotateData }); }); it('should set the instance id to the received data', () => { expect(stateCopy.instanceId).toBe(rotateData.token); }); it('should set isRotating to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isRotating).toBe(false); }); it('should set hasRotateError to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasRotateError).toBe(false); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_ROTATE_INSTANCE_ID_ERROR](stateCopy); }); it('should set isRotating to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isRotating).toBe(false); }); it('should set hasRotateError to true', () => { expect(stateCopy.hasRotateError).toBe(true); }); }); describe('UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG', () => { beforeEach(() => { stateCopy.featureFlags = => ({ ...flag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(flag.scopes || []), })); stateCopy.count = { featureFlags: 1, userLists: 0 }; mutations[types.UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG](stateCopy, { ...featureFlag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(featureFlag.scopes || []), active: false, }); }); it('should update the flag with the matching ID', () => { expect(stateCopy.featureFlags).toEqual([ { ...featureFlag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(featureFlag.scopes || []), active: false, }, ]); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_SUCCESS', () => { const runUpdate = (stateCount, flagState, featureFlagUpdateParams) => { stateCopy.featureFlags = => ({ ...flag, ...flagState, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(flag.scopes || []), })); stateCopy.count.featureFlags = stateCount; mutations[types.RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { ...featureFlag, ...featureFlagUpdateParams, }); }; it('updates the flag with the matching ID', () => { runUpdate({ all: 1, enabled: 1, disabled: 0 }, { active: true }, { active: false }); expect(stateCopy.featureFlags).toEqual([ { ...featureFlag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(featureFlag.scopes || []), active: false, }, ]); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { stateCopy.featureFlags = => ({ ...flag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(flag.scopes || []), })); stateCopy.count = { enabled: 1, disabled: 0 }; mutations[types.RECEIVE_UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAG_ERROR](stateCopy,; }); it('should update the flag with the matching ID, toggling active', () => { expect(stateCopy.featureFlags).toEqual([ { ...featureFlag, scopes: mapToScopesViewModel(featureFlag.scopes || []), active: false, }, ]); }); }); describe('REQUEST_DELETE_USER_LIST', () => { beforeEach(() => { stateCopy.userLists = [userList]; mutations[types.REQUEST_DELETE_USER_LIST](stateCopy, userList); }); it('should remove the deleted list', () => { expect(stateCopy.userLists).not.toContain(userList); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_DELETE_USER_LIST_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { stateCopy.userLists = []; mutations[types.RECEIVE_DELETE_USER_LIST_ERROR](stateCopy, { list: userList, error: 'some error', }); }); it('should set isLoading to false and hasError to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toBe(false); expect(stateCopy.hasError).toBe(false); }); it('should add the user list back to the list of user lists', () => { expect(stateCopy.userLists).toContain(userList); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_CLEAR_ALERT', () => { it('clears the alert', () => { stateCopy.alerts = ['a server error']; mutations[types.RECEIVE_CLEAR_ALERT](stateCopy, 0); expect(stateCopy.alerts).toEqual([]); }); it('clears the alert at the specified index', () => { stateCopy.alerts = ['a server error', 'another error', 'final error']; mutations[types.RECEIVE_CLEAR_ALERT](stateCopy, 1); expect(stateCopy.alerts).toEqual(['a server error', 'final error']); }); }); });