import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'; import createFlash, { hideFlash, addDismissFlashClickListener, FLASH_TYPES, FLASH_CLOSED_EVENT, } from '~/flash'; jest.mock('@sentry/browser'); describe('Flash', () => { describe('hideFlash', () => { let el; beforeEach(() => { el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = 'js-testing'; }); it('sets transition style', () => { hideFlash(el); expect('opacity 0.15s'); }); it('sets opacity style', () => { hideFlash(el); expect('0'); }); it('does not set styles when fadeTransition is false', () => { hideFlash(el, false); expect(''); expect(; }); it('removes element after transitionend', () => { document.body.appendChild(el); hideFlash(el); el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend')); expect(document.querySelector('.js-testing')).toBeNull(); }); it('calls event listener callback once', () => { jest.spyOn(el, 'remove'); document.body.appendChild(el); hideFlash(el); el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend')); el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend')); expect(el.remove.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it(`dispatches ${FLASH_CLOSED_EVENT} event after transitionend event`, () => { jest.spyOn(el, 'dispatchEvent'); hideFlash(el); el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend')); expect(el.dispatchEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(new Event(FLASH_CLOSED_EVENT)); }); }); describe('createFlash', () => { const message = 'test'; const fadeTransition = false; const addBodyClass = true; const defaultParams = { message, actionConfig: null, fadeTransition, addBodyClass, }; describe('no flash-container', () => { it('does not add to the DOM', () => { const flashEl = createFlash({ message }); expect(flashEl).toBeNull(); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-alert')).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('with flash-container', () => { beforeEach(() => { setFixtures( '
', ); }); afterEach(() => { document.querySelector('.js-content-wrapper').remove(); }); it('adds flash alert element into the document by default', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams }); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-container .flash-alert')).not.toBeNull(); expect(document.body.className).toContain('flash-shown'); }); it('adds flash of a warning type', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, type: FLASH_TYPES.WARNING }); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-container .flash-warning')).not.toBeNull(); expect(document.body.className).toContain('flash-shown'); }); it('escapes text', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, message: '' }); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-text').textContent.trim()).toBe( '', ); }); it('adds flash into specified parent', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, parent: document.querySelector('.content-wrapper') }); expect(document.querySelector('.content-wrapper .flash-alert')).not.toBeNull(); expect(document.querySelector('.content-wrapper').innerText.trim()).toEqual(message); }); it('adds container classes when inside content-wrapper', () => { createFlash(defaultParams); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-text').className).toBe('flash-text'); expect(document.querySelector('.content-wrapper').innerText.trim()).toEqual(message); }); it('does not add container when outside of content-wrapper', () => { document.querySelector('.content-wrapper').className = 'js-content-wrapper'; createFlash(defaultParams); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-text').className.trim()).toContain('flash-text'); }); it('removes element after clicking', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams }); document.querySelector('.flash-alert .js-close-icon').click(); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-alert')).toBeNull(); expect(document.body.className).not.toContain('flash-shown'); }); it('does not capture error using Sentry', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, captureError: false, error: new Error('Error!') }); expect(Sentry.captureException).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('captures error using Sentry', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, captureError: true, error: new Error('Error!') }); expect(Sentry.captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Error)); expect(Sentry.captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ message: 'Error!', }), ); }); describe('with actionConfig', () => { const findFlashAction = () => document.querySelector('.flash-container .flash-action'); it('adds action link', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { title: 'test', }, }); expect(findFlashAction()).not.toBeNull(); }); it('creates link with href', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { href: 'testing', title: 'test', }, }); expect(findFlashAction().href).toBe(`${window.location}testing`); expect(findFlashAction().textContent.trim()).toBe('test'); }); it('uses hash as href when no href is present', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { title: 'test', }, }); expect(findFlashAction().href).toBe(`${window.location}#`); }); it('adds role when no href is present', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { title: 'test', }, }); expect(findFlashAction().getAttribute('role')).toBe('button'); }); it('escapes the title text', () => { createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { title: '', }, }); expect(findFlashAction().textContent.trim()).toBe(''); }); it('calls actionConfig clickHandler on click', () => { const clickHandler = jest.fn(); createFlash({ ...defaultParams, actionConfig: { title: 'test', clickHandler, }, }); findFlashAction().click(); expect(clickHandler).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('additional behavior', () => { describe('close', () => { it('clicks the close icon', () => { const flash = createFlash({ ...defaultParams }); const close = document.querySelector('.flash-alert .js-close-icon'); jest.spyOn(close, 'click'); flash.close(); expect(; }); }); }); }); }); describe('addDismissFlashClickListener', () => { let el; describe('with close icon', () => { beforeEach(() => { el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = `
`; }); it('removes global flash on click', (done) => { addDismissFlashClickListener(el, false); el.querySelector('.js-close-icon').click(); setImmediate(() => { expect(document.querySelector('.flash')).toBeNull(); done(); }); }); }); describe('without close icon', () => { beforeEach(() => { el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = `
`; }); it('does not throw', () => { expect(() => addDismissFlashClickListener(el, false)).not.toThrow(); }); }); }); });