import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import * as actions from '~/ide/stores/modules/terminal/actions/session_controls'; import { STARTING, PENDING, STOPPING, STOPPED } from '~/ide/stores/modules/terminal/constants'; import * as messages from '~/ide/stores/modules/terminal/messages'; import * as mutationTypes from '~/ide/stores/modules/terminal/mutation_types'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import httpStatus, { HTTP_STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; jest.mock('~/flash'); const TEST_PROJECT_PATH = 'lorem/root'; const TEST_BRANCH_ID = 'main'; const TEST_SESSION = { id: 7, status: PENDING, show_path: 'path/show', cancel_path: 'path/cancel', retry_path: 'path/retry', terminal_path: 'path/terminal', proxy_websocket_path: 'path/proxy', services: ['test-service'], }; describe('IDE store terminal session controls actions', () => { let mock; let dispatch; let rootState; let rootGetters; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); dispatch = jest.fn().mockName('dispatch'); rootState = { currentBranchId: TEST_BRANCH_ID, }; rootGetters = { currentProject: { id: 7, path_with_namespace: TEST_PROJECT_PATH, }, }; }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('requestStartSession', () => { it('sets session status', () => { return testAction( actions.requestStartSession, null, {}, [{ type: mutationTypes.SET_SESSION_STATUS, payload: STARTING }], [], ); }); }); describe('receiveStartSessionSuccess', () => { it('sets session and starts polling status', () => { return testAction( actions.receiveStartSessionSuccess, TEST_SESSION, {}, [ { type: mutationTypes.SET_SESSION, payload: { id:, status: TEST_SESSION.status, showPath: TEST_SESSION.show_path, cancelPath: TEST_SESSION.cancel_path, retryPath: TEST_SESSION.retry_path, terminalPath: TEST_SESSION.terminal_path, proxyWebsocketPath: TEST_SESSION.proxy_websocket_path, services:, }, }, ], [{ type: 'pollSessionStatus' }], ); }); }); describe('receiveStartSessionError', () => { it('flashes message', () => { actions.receiveStartSessionError({ dispatch }); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: messages.UNEXPECTED_ERROR_STARTING, }); }); it('sets session status', () => { return testAction(actions.receiveStartSessionError, null, {}, [], [{ type: 'killSession' }]); }); }); describe('startSession', () => { it('does nothing if session is already starting', () => { const state = { session: { status: STARTING }, }; actions.startSession({ state, dispatch }); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('dispatches request and receive on success', () => { mock.onPost(/.*\/ide_terminals/).reply(200, TEST_SESSION); return testAction( actions.startSession, null, { ...rootGetters, ...rootState }, [], [ { type: 'requestStartSession' }, { type: 'receiveStartSessionSuccess', payload: TEST_SESSION }, ], ); }); it('dispatches request and receive on error', () => { mock.onPost(/.*\/ide_terminals/).reply(400); return testAction( actions.startSession, null, { ...rootGetters, ...rootState }, [], [ { type: 'requestStartSession' }, { type: 'receiveStartSessionError', payload: expect.any(Error) }, ], ); }); }); describe('requestStopSession', () => { it('sets session status', () => { return testAction( actions.requestStopSession, null, {}, [{ type: mutationTypes.SET_SESSION_STATUS, payload: STOPPING }], [], ); }); }); describe('receiveStopSessionSuccess', () => { it('kills the session', () => { return testAction(actions.receiveStopSessionSuccess, null, {}, [], [{ type: 'killSession' }]); }); }); describe('receiveStopSessionError', () => { it('flashes message', () => { actions.receiveStopSessionError({ dispatch }); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: messages.UNEXPECTED_ERROR_STOPPING, }); }); it('kills the session', () => { return testAction(actions.receiveStopSessionError, null, {}, [], [{ type: 'killSession' }]); }); }); describe('stopSession', () => { it('dispatches request and receive on success', () => { mock.onPost(TEST_SESSION.cancel_path).reply(200, {}); const state = { session: { cancelPath: TEST_SESSION.cancel_path }, }; return testAction( actions.stopSession, null, state, [], [{ type: 'requestStopSession' }, { type: 'receiveStopSessionSuccess' }], ); }); it('dispatches request and receive on error', () => { mock.onPost(TEST_SESSION.cancel_path).reply(400); const state = { session: { cancelPath: TEST_SESSION.cancel_path }, }; return testAction( actions.stopSession, null, state, [], [ { type: 'requestStopSession' }, { type: 'receiveStopSessionError', payload: expect.any(Error) }, ], ); }); }); describe('killSession', () => { it('stops polling and sets status', () => { return testAction( actions.killSession, null, {}, [{ type: mutationTypes.SET_SESSION_STATUS, payload: STOPPED }], [{ type: 'stopPollingSessionStatus' }], ); }); }); describe('restartSession', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = { session: { status: STOPPED, retryPath: 'test/retry' }, }; }); it('does nothing if current not stopped', () => { state.session.status = STOPPING; actions.restartSession({ state, dispatch, rootState }); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('dispatches startSession if retryPath is empty', () => { state.session.retryPath = ''; return testAction( actions.restartSession, null, { ...state, ...rootState }, [], [{ type: 'startSession' }], ); }); it('dispatches request and receive on success', () => { mock .onPost(state.session.retryPath, { branch: rootState.currentBranchId, format: 'json' }) .reply(200, TEST_SESSION); return testAction( actions.restartSession, null, { ...state, ...rootState }, [], [ { type: 'requestStartSession' }, { type: 'receiveStartSessionSuccess', payload: TEST_SESSION }, ], ); }); it('dispatches request and receive on error', () => { mock .onPost(state.session.retryPath, { branch: rootState.currentBranchId, format: 'json' }) .reply(400); return testAction( actions.restartSession, null, { ...state, ...rootState }, [], [ { type: 'requestStartSession' }, { type: 'receiveStartSessionError', payload: expect.any(Error) }, ], ); }); [httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, HTTP_STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY].forEach((status) => { it(`dispatches request and startSession on ${status}`, () => { mock .onPost(state.session.retryPath, { branch: rootState.currentBranchId, format: 'json' }) .reply(status); return testAction( actions.restartSession, null, { ...state, ...rootState }, [], [{ type: 'requestStartSession' }, { type: 'startSession' }], ); }); }); }); });