import { GlBadge, GlButton, GlDropdown } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { STATUSES } from '~/import_entities//constants'; import ImportGroupDropdown from '~/import_entities/components/group_dropdown.vue'; import ImportStatus from '~/import_entities/components/import_status.vue'; import ProviderRepoTableRow from '~/import_entities/import_projects/components/provider_repo_table_row.vue'; describe('ProviderRepoTableRow', () => { let wrapper; const fetchImport = jest.fn(); const setImportTarget = jest.fn(); const fakeImportTarget = { targetNamespace: 'target', newName: 'newName', }; const availableNamespaces = ['test']; const userNamespace = 'root'; function initStore(initialState) { const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: initialState, getters: { getImportTarget: () => () => fakeImportTarget, }, actions: { fetchImport, setImportTarget }, }); return store; } const findImportButton = () => { const buttons = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlButton).filter((node) => node.text() === 'Import'); return buttons.length ? : buttons; }; function mountComponent(props) { Vue.use(Vuex); const store = initStore(); wrapper = shallowMount(ProviderRepoTableRow, { store, propsData: { availableNamespaces, userNamespace, ...props }, }); } afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('when rendering importable project', () => { const repo = { importSource: { id: 'remote-1', fullName: 'fullName', providerLink: 'providerLink', }, }; beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ repo }); }); it('renders project information', () => { const providerLink = wrapper.find('[data-testid=providerLink]'); expect(providerLink.attributes().href).toMatch(repo.importSource.providerLink); expect(providerLink.text()).toMatch(repo.importSource.fullName); }); it('renders empty import status', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ImportStatus).props().status).toBe(STATUSES.NONE); }); it('renders a group namespace select', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ImportGroupDropdown).props().namespaces).toBe(availableNamespaces); }); it('renders import button', () => { expect(findImportButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('imports repo when clicking import button', async () => { findImportButton().vm.$emit('click'); await nextTick(); const { calls } = fetchImport.mock; expect(calls).toHaveLength(1); expect(calls[0][1]).toBe(; }); }); describe('when rendering imported project', () => { const FAKE_STATS = {}; const repo = { importSource: { id: 'remote-1', fullName: 'fullName', providerLink: 'providerLink', }, importedProject: { id: 1, fullPath: 'fullPath', importSource: 'importSource', importStatus: STATUSES.FINISHED, stats: FAKE_STATS, }, }; beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ repo }); }); it('renders project information', () => { const providerLink = wrapper.find('[data-testid=providerLink]'); expect(providerLink.attributes().href).toMatch(repo.importSource.providerLink); expect(providerLink.text()).toMatch(repo.importSource.fullName); }); it('renders proper import status', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ImportStatus).props().status).toBe(repo.importedProject.importStatus); }); it('does not renders a namespace select', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlDropdown).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not render import button', () => { expect(findImportButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('passes stats to import status component', () => { expect(wrapper.find(ImportStatus).props().stats).toBe(FAKE_STATS); }); }); describe('when rendering incompatible project', () => { const repo = { importSource: { id: 'remote-1', fullName: 'fullName', providerLink: 'providerLink', incompatible: true, }, }; beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ repo }); }); it('renders project information', () => { const providerLink = wrapper.find('[data-testid=providerLink]'); expect(providerLink.attributes().href).toMatch(repo.importSource.providerLink); expect(providerLink.text()).toMatch(repo.importSource.fullName); }); it('renders badge with error', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlBadge).text()).toBe('Incompatible project'); }); }); });