const INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_INVALID = { message: { error: 'email contains an invalid email address' }, }; const INVITATIONS_API_ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID = { error: 'email contains an invalid email address', }; const INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_RESTRICTED = { message: { '': "Invite email '' does not match the allowed domains:", }, status: 'error', }; const INVITATIONS_API_MULTIPLE_EMAIL_RESTRICTED = { message: { '': "Invite email email '' does not match the allowed domains:", '': "Invite email email '' does not match the allowed domains:", }, status: 'error', }; const INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_TAKEN = { message: { '': 'Invite email has already been taken', }, status: 'error', }; const MEMBERS_API_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS = { message: 'Member already exists', }; const MEMBERS_API_SINGLE_USER_RESTRICTED = { message: { user: ["email '' does not match the allowed domains:"] }, }; const MEMBERS_API_SINGLE_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL = { message: { access_level: [ 'should be greater than or equal to Owner inherited membership from group Gitlab Org', ], }, }; const MEMBERS_API_MULTIPLE_USERS_RESTRICTED = { message: "root: User email '' does not match the allowed domain of and user18: User email '' does not match the allowed domain of", status: 'error', }; export const apiPaths = { GROUPS_MEMBERS: '/api/v4/groups/1/members', GROUPS_INVITATIONS: '/api/v4/groups/1/invitations', }; export const membersApiResponse = { MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS: MEMBERS_API_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS, SINGLE_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL: MEMBERS_API_SINGLE_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL, SINGLE_USER_RESTRICTED: MEMBERS_API_SINGLE_USER_RESTRICTED, MULTIPLE_USERS_RESTRICTED: MEMBERS_API_MULTIPLE_USERS_RESTRICTED, }; export const invitationsApiResponse = { EMAIL_INVALID: INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_INVALID, ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: INVITATIONS_API_ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID, EMAIL_RESTRICTED: INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_RESTRICTED, MULTIPLE_EMAIL_RESTRICTED: INVITATIONS_API_MULTIPLE_EMAIL_RESTRICTED, EMAIL_TAKEN: INVITATIONS_API_EMAIL_TAKEN, };