import { initScrollingTabs } from '~/layout_nav'; import { setHTMLFixture } from './__helpers__/fixtures'; describe('initScrollingTabs', () => { const htmlFixture = `
`; const findTabs = () => document.querySelector('.scrolling-tabs'); const findScrollLeftButton = () => document.querySelector('button.fade-left'); const findScrollRightButton = () => document.querySelector('button.fade-right'); beforeEach(() => { setHTMLFixture(htmlFixture); }); it('scrolls left when clicking on the left button', () => { initScrollingTabs(); const tabs = findTabs(); tabs.scrollBy = jest.fn(); const fadeLeft = findScrollLeftButton();; expect(tabs.scrollBy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ left: -200, behavior: 'smooth' }); }); it('scrolls right when clicking on the right button', () => { initScrollingTabs(); const tabs = findTabs(); tabs.scrollBy = jest.fn(); const fadeRight = findScrollRightButton();; expect(tabs.scrollBy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ left: 200, behavior: 'smooth' }); }); });