import { GlLink, GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { stubComponent } from 'helpers/stub_component'; import component from '~/packages/details/components/package_history.vue'; import { HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT } from '~/packages/details/constants'; import HistoryItem from '~/vue_shared/components/registry/history_item.vue'; import TimeAgoTooltip from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue'; import { mavenPackage, mockPipelineInfo } from '../../mock_data'; describe('Package History', () => { let wrapper; const defaultProps = { projectName: 'baz project', packageEntity: { ...mavenPackage }, }; const createPipelines = (amount) => [...Array(amount)].map((x, index) => ({ ...mockPipelineInfo, id: index + 1 })); const mountComponent = (props) => { wrapper = shallowMount(component, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props }, stubs: { HistoryItem: stubComponent(HistoryItem, { template: '
', }), GlSprintf, }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); const findHistoryElement = (testId) => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="${testId}"]`); const findElementLink = (container) => container.find(GlLink); const findElementTimeAgo = (container) => container.find(TimeAgoTooltip); const findTitle = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="title"]'); const findTimeline = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="timeline"]'); it('has the correct title', () => { mountComponent(); const title = findTitle(); expect(title.exists()).toBe(true); expect(title.text()).toBe('History'); }); it('has a timeline container', () => { mountComponent(); const title = findTimeline(); expect(title.exists()).toBe(true); expect(title.classes()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['timeline', 'main-notes-list', 'notes']), ); }); describe.each` name | amount | icon | text | timeAgoTooltip | link ${'created-on'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'clock'} | ${'Test package version 1.0.0 was first created'} | ${mavenPackage.created_at} | ${null} ${'first-pipeline-commit'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'commit'} | ${'Created by commit #sha-baz on branch branch-name'} | ${null} | ${mockPipelineInfo.project.commit_url} ${'first-pipeline-pipeline'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'pipeline'} | ${'Built by pipeline #1 triggered by foo'} | ${mockPipelineInfo.created_at} | ${mockPipelineInfo.project.pipeline_url} ${'published'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'package'} | ${'Published to the baz project Package Registry'} | ${mavenPackage.created_at} | ${null} ${'archived'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'history'} | ${'Package has 1 archived update'} | ${null} | ${null} ${'archived'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 3} | ${'history'} | ${'Package has 2 archived updates'} | ${null} | ${null} ${'pipeline-entry'} | ${HISTORY_PIPELINES_LIMIT + 2} | ${'pencil'} | ${'Package updated by commit #sha-baz on branch branch-name, built by pipeline #3, and published to the registry'} | ${mavenPackage.created_at} | ${mockPipelineInfo.project.commit_url} `( 'with $amount pipelines history element $name', ({ name, icon, text, timeAgoTooltip, link, amount }) => { let element; beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ packageEntity: { ...mavenPackage, pipelines: createPipelines(amount) }, }); element = findHistoryElement(name); }); it('exists', () => { expect(element.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has the correct icon', () => { expect(element.props('icon')).toBe(icon); }); it('has the correct text', () => { expect(element.text()).toBe(text); }); it('time-ago tooltip', () => { const timeAgo = findElementTimeAgo(element); const exist = Boolean(timeAgoTooltip); expect(timeAgo.exists()).toBe(exist); if (exist) { expect(timeAgo.props('time')).toBe(timeAgoTooltip); } }); it('link', () => { const linkElement = findElementLink(element); const exist = Boolean(link); expect(linkElement.exists()).toBe(exist); if (exist) { expect(linkElement.attributes('href')).toBe(link); } }); }, ); });