import { GlFormInputGroup, GlFormInput, GlForm, GlFormRadioGroup, GlFormRadio } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { getByRole } from '@testing-library/dom'; import { mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import axios from 'axios'; import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { kebabCase } from 'lodash'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import * as urlUtility from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import ForkForm from '~/pages/projects/forks/new/components/fork_form.vue'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import searchQuery from '~/pages/projects/forks/new/queries/search_forkable_namespaces.query.graphql'; import ProjectNamespace from '~/pages/projects/forks/new/components/project_namespace.vue'; jest.mock('~/flash'); jest.mock('~/lib/utils/csrf', () => ({ token: 'mock-csrf-token' })); describe('ForkForm component', () => { let wrapper; let axiosMock; let mockQueryResponse; const PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE = { private: 'Private Project access must be granted explicitly to each user. If this project is part of a group, access will be granted to members of the group.', internal: 'Internal The project can be accessed by any logged in user.', public: 'Public The project can be accessed without any authentication.', }; const GON_API_VERSION = 'v7'; const DEFAULT_PROVIDE = { newGroupPath: 'some/groups/path', visibilityHelpPath: 'some/visibility/help/path', projectFullPath: '/some/project-full-path', projectId: '10', projectName: 'Project Name', projectPath: 'project-name', projectDescription: 'some project description', projectVisibility: 'private', restrictedVisibilityLevels: [], }; Vue.use(VueApollo); const createComponentFactory = (mountFn) => (provide = {}, data = {}) => { const queryResponse = { project: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1', forkTargets: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Group/21', fullPath: 'flightjs', name: 'Flight JS', visibility: 'public', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Namespace/4', fullPath: 'root', name: 'Administrator', visibility: 'public', }, ], }, }, }; mockQueryResponse = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ data: queryResponse }); const requestHandlers = [[searchQuery, mockQueryResponse]]; const apolloProvider = createMockApollo(requestHandlers); apolloProvider.clients.defaultClient.cache.writeQuery({ query: searchQuery, data: { ...queryResponse, }, }); wrapper = mountFn(ForkForm, { apolloProvider, provide: { ...DEFAULT_PROVIDE, ...provide, }, data() { return {, }; }, stubs: { GlFormInputGroup, GlFormInput, GlFormRadioGroup, GlFormRadio, }, }); }; const createComponent = createComponentFactory(shallowMount); const createFullComponent = createComponentFactory(mount); beforeEach(() => { axiosMock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios); window.gon = { api_version: GON_API_VERSION, }; }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); axiosMock.restore(); }); const findPrivateRadio = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="radio-private"]'); const findInternalRadio = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="radio-internal"]'); const findPublicRadio = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="radio-public"]'); const findForkNameInput = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="fork-name-input"]'); const findForkUrlInput = () => wrapper.findComponent(ProjectNamespace); const findForkSlugInput = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="fork-slug-input"]'); const findForkDescriptionTextarea = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="fork-description-textarea"]'); const findVisibilityRadioGroup = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="fork-visibility-radio-group"]'); it('will go to projectFullPath when click cancel button', () => { createComponent(); const { projectFullPath } = DEFAULT_PROVIDE; const cancelButton = wrapper.find('[data-testid="cancel-button"]'); expect(cancelButton.attributes('href')).toBe(projectFullPath); }); const selectedMockNamespace = { name: 'two', full_name: 'two-group/two', id: 2, visibility: 'public', }; const fillForm = (namespace = selectedMockNamespace) => { findForkUrlInput().vm.$emit('select', namespace); }; it('has input with csrf token', () => { createComponent(); expect(wrapper.find('input[name="authenticity_token"]').attributes('value')).toBe( 'mock-csrf-token', ); }); it('pre-populate form from project props', () => { createComponent(); expect(findForkNameInput().attributes('value')).toBe(DEFAULT_PROVIDE.projectName); expect(findForkSlugInput().attributes('value')).toBe(DEFAULT_PROVIDE.projectPath); expect(findForkDescriptionTextarea().attributes('value')).toBe( DEFAULT_PROVIDE.projectDescription, ); }); it('will have required attribute for required fields', () => { createComponent(); expect(findForkNameInput().attributes('required')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findForkSlugInput().attributes('required')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findVisibilityRadioGroup().attributes('required')).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(findForkDescriptionTextarea().attributes('required')).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('project slug', () => { const projectPath = 'some other project slug'; beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ projectPath, }); }); it('initially loads slug without kebab-case transformation', () => { expect(findForkSlugInput().attributes('value')).toBe(projectPath); }); it('changes to kebab case when project name changes', async () => { const newInput = `${projectPath}1`; findForkNameInput().vm.$emit('input', newInput); await nextTick(); expect(findForkSlugInput().attributes('value')).toBe(kebabCase(newInput)); }); it('does not change to kebab case when project slug is changed manually', async () => { const newInput = `${projectPath}1`; findForkSlugInput().vm.$emit('input', newInput); await nextTick(); expect(findForkSlugInput().attributes('value')).toBe(newInput); }); }); describe('visibility level', () => { it('displays the correct description', () => { createComponent(); const formRadios = wrapper.findAllComponents(GlFormRadio); Object.keys(PROJECT_VISIBILITY_TYPE).forEach((visibilityType, index) => { expect([visibilityType]); }); }); it('displays all 3 visibility levels', () => { createComponent(); expect(wrapper.findAllComponents(GlFormRadio)).toHaveLength(3); }); describe('when the namespace is changed', () => { const namespaces = [ { visibility: 'private', }, { visibility: 'internal', }, { visibility: 'public', }, ]; it('resets the visibility to max allowed below current level', async () => { createFullComponent({ projectVisibility: 'public' }, { namespaces }); expect(wrapper.vm.form.fields.visibility.value).toBe('public'); fillForm({ name: 'one', id: 1, visibility: 'internal', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /internal/i }).checked).toBe(true); }); it('does not reset the visibility when current level is allowed', async () => { createFullComponent({ projectVisibility: 'public' }, { namespaces }); expect(wrapper.vm.form.fields.visibility.value).toBe('public'); fillForm({ name: 'two', id: 2, visibility: 'public', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /public/i }).checked).toBe(true); }); it('does not reset the visibility when visibility cap is increased', async () => { createFullComponent({ projectVisibility: 'public' }, { namespaces }); expect(wrapper.vm.form.fields.visibility.value).toBe('public'); fillForm({ name: 'three', id: 3, visibility: 'internal', }); await nextTick(); fillForm({ name: 'four', id: 4, visibility: 'public', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /internal/i }).checked).toBe(true); }); it('sets the visibility to be next highest from current when restrictedVisibilityLevels is set', async () => { createFullComponent( { projectVisibility: 'public', restrictedVisibilityLevels: [10] }, { namespaces }, ); wrapper.vm.form.fields.visibility.value = 'internal'; fillForm({ name: 'five', id: 5, visibility: 'public', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /private/i }).checked).toBe(true); }); it('sets the visibility to be next lowest from current when nothing lower is allowed', async () => { createFullComponent( { projectVisibility: 'public', restrictedVisibilityLevels: [0] }, { namespaces }, ); fillForm({ name: 'six', id: 6, visibility: 'private', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /private/i }).checked).toBe(true); fillForm({ name: 'six', id: 6, visibility: 'public', }); await nextTick(); expect(getByRole(wrapper.element, 'radio', { name: /internal/i }).checked).toBe(true); }); }); it.each` project | restrictedVisibilityLevels | computedVisibilityLevel ${'private'} | ${[]} | ${'private'} ${'internal'} | ${[]} | ${'internal'} ${'public'} | ${[]} | ${'public'} ${'private'} | ${[0]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[10]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[20]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[0, 10]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[0, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[10, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'private'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'internal'} | ${[0]} | ${'internal'} ${'internal'} | ${[10]} | ${'private'} ${'internal'} | ${[20]} | ${'internal'} ${'internal'} | ${[0, 10]} | ${'private'} ${'internal'} | ${[0, 20]} | ${'internal'} ${'internal'} | ${[10, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'internal'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'public'} | ${[0]} | ${'public'} ${'public'} | ${[10]} | ${'public'} ${'public'} | ${[0, 10]} | ${'public'} ${'public'} | ${[0, 20]} | ${'internal'} ${'public'} | ${[10, 20]} | ${'private'} ${'public'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} | ${'private'} `( 'checks the correct radio button', ({ project, restrictedVisibilityLevels, computedVisibilityLevel }) => { createFullComponent({ projectVisibility: project, restrictedVisibilityLevels, }); expect(wrapper.find('[name="visibility"]:checked').attributes('value')).toBe( computedVisibilityLevel, ); }, ); it.each` project | namespace | privateIsDisabled | internalIsDisabled | publicIsDisabled | restrictedVisibilityLevels ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'private'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'private'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'internal'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'internal'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'public'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'public'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${[]} ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[0]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${'true'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[0]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${'true'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${[0]} ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[10]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[10]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${undefined} | ${[10]} ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[20]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[20]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${[20]} ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[10, 20]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[10, 20]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[10, 20]} ${'private'} | ${'private'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} ${'internal'} | ${'internal'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} ${'public'} | ${'public'} | ${undefined} | ${'true'} | ${'true'} | ${[0, 10, 20]} `( 'sets appropriate radio button disabled state', ({ project, namespace, privateIsDisabled, internalIsDisabled, publicIsDisabled, restrictedVisibilityLevels, }) => { createComponent( { projectVisibility: project, restrictedVisibilityLevels, }, { form: { fields: { namespace: { value: { visibility: namespace } } } }, }, ); expect(findPrivateRadio().attributes('disabled')).toBe(privateIsDisabled); expect(findInternalRadio().attributes('disabled')).toBe(internalIsDisabled); expect(findPublicRadio().attributes('disabled')).toBe(publicIsDisabled); }, ); }); describe('onSubmit', () => { const setupComponent = (fields = {}) => { jest.spyOn(urlUtility, 'redirectTo').mockImplementation(); createFullComponent( {}, { form: { state: true, ...fields, }, }, ); }; beforeEach(() => { setupComponent(); }); const submitForm = async () => { fillForm(); await nextTick(); const form = wrapper.findComponent(GlForm); await form.trigger('submit'); await nextTick(); }; describe('with invalid form', () => { it('does not make POST request', () => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); setupComponent(); expect(; }); it('does not redirect the current page', async () => { setupComponent(); await submitForm(); expect(urlUtility.redirectTo).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not make POST request if no visbility is checked', async () => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); setupComponent({ fields: { visibility: { value: null, }, }, }); await submitForm(); expect(; }); }); describe('with valid form', () => { it('make POST request with project param', async () => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); setupComponent(); await submitForm(); const { projectId, projectDescription, projectName, projectPath, projectVisibility, } = DEFAULT_PROVIDE; const url = `/api/${GON_API_VERSION}/projects/${projectId}/fork`; const project = { description: projectDescription, id: projectId, name: projectName, namespace_id:, path: projectPath, visibility: projectVisibility, }; expect(, project); }); it('redirect to POST web_url response', async () => { const webUrl = `new/fork-project`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post').mockResolvedValue({ data: { web_url: webUrl } }); setupComponent(); await submitForm(); expect(urlUtility.redirectTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(webUrl); }); it('display flash when POST is unsuccessful', async () => { const dummyError = 'Fork project failed'; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post').mockRejectedValue(dummyError); setupComponent(); await submitForm(); expect(urlUtility.redirectTo).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'An error occurred while forking the project. Please try again.', }); }); }); }); });